使用 PowerShell 在 Azure SQL 数据库中的多个数据库之间同步数据
适用于:Azure SQL 数据库
SQL Data Sync 将于 2027 年 9 月 30 日停用。 请考虑迁移到备用数据复制/同步解决方案。
此 Azure PowerShell 示例将 SQL 数据同步配置为在 Azure SQL 数据库中的多个数据库之间同步数据。
如果没有 Azure 试用版订阅,请在开始前创建一个试用版订阅。
本文使用 Azure Az PowerShell 模块,这是与 Azure 交互时推荐使用的 PowerShell 模块。 若要开始使用 Az PowerShell 模块,请参阅安装 Azure PowerShell。 若要了解如何迁移到 Az PowerShell 模块,请参阅 将 Azure PowerShell 从 AzureRM 迁移到 Az。
本教程需要 Az PowerShell 1.4.0 或更高版本。 如果需要进行升级,请参阅 Install Azure PowerShell module(安装 Azure PowerShell 模块)。 此外,还需要运行 Connect-AzAccount -Environment AzureChinaCloud
以创建与 Azure 的连接。
有关 SQL 数据同步的概述,请参阅什么是适用于 Azure 的 SQL 数据同步?
SQL 数据同步目前不支持 Azure SQL 托管实例或 Azure Synapse Analytics。
- 使用 AdventureWorksLT 示例数据库在 Azure SQL 数据库中创建数据库作为中心数据库。
- 在同步数据库所在的相同区域中创建 Azure SQL 数据库中的数据库。
- 在运行示例前更新参数占位符。
using namespace Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.DataSync.Model
using namespace System.Collections.Generic
# hub database info
$subscriptionId = "<subscriptionId>"
$resourceGroupName = "<resourceGroupName>"
$serverName = "<serverName>"
$databaseName = "<databaseName>"
# sync database info
$syncDatabaseResourceGroupName = "<syncResourceGroupName>"
$syncDatabaseServerName = "<syncServerName>"
$syncDatabaseName = "<syncDatabaseName>"
# sync group info
$syncGroupName = "<syncGroupName>"
$conflictResolutionPolicy = "HubWin" # can be HubWin or MemberWin
$intervalInSeconds = 300 # sync interval in seconds (must be no less than 300)
# member database info
$syncMemberName = "<syncMemberName>"
$memberServerName = "<memberServerName>"
$memberDatabaseName = "<memberDatabaseName>"
$memberDatabaseType = "SqlServerDatabase" # can be AzureSqlDatabase or SqlServerDatabase
$syncDirection = "Bidirectional" # can be Bidirectional, Onewaymembertohub, Onewayhubtomember
# sync agent info
$syncAgentName = "<agentName>"
$syncAgentResourceGroupName = "<syncAgentResourceGroupName>"
$syncAgentServerName = "<syncAgentServerName>"
$syncMemberResourceId = "/subscriptions/$subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/$serverName/databases/$syncMemberDBName"
# temp file to save the sync schema
$tempFile = $env:TEMP+"\syncSchema.json"
# list of included columns and tables in quoted name
$includedColumnsAndTables = "[SalesLT].[Address].[AddressID]",
$metadataList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new($includedColumnsAndTables)
Connect-AzAccount -Environment AzureChinaCloud
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId
# use if it's safe to show password in script, otherwise use PromptForCredential
# $user = "username"
# $password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "password" -AsPlainText -Force
# $credential = New-Object -TypeName "System.Management.Automation.PSCredential" -ArgumentList $user, $password
$credential = $Host.ui.PromptForCredential("Need credential",
"Please enter your user name and password for server "+$serverName+".database.chinacloudapi.cn",
# create a new sync group (if you use private link, make sure to manually approve it)
Write-Host "Creating Sync Group "$syncGroupName"..."
New-AzSqlSyncGroup -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ServerName $serverName -DatabaseName $databaseName -Name $syncGroupName `
-SyncDatabaseName $syncDatabaseName -SyncDatabaseServerName $syncDatabaseServerName -SyncDatabaseResourceGroupName $syncDatabaseResourceGroupName `
-ConflictResolutionPolicy $conflictResolutionPolicy -DatabaseCredential $credential -UsePrivateLinkConnection | Format-list
# use if it's safe to show password in script, otherwise use PromptForCredential
# $user = "username"
# $password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "password" -AsPlainText -Force
# $credential = New-Object -TypeName "System.Management.Automation.PSCredential" -ArgumentList $user, $password
$credential = $Host.ui.PromptForCredential("Need credential",
"Please enter your user name and password for server "+$serverName+".database.chinacloudapi.cn",
# add a new sync member (if you use private link, make sure to manually approve it)
Write-Host "Adding member"$syncMemberName" to the sync group..."
New-AzSqlSyncMember -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ServerName $serverName -DatabaseName $databaseName `
-SyncGroupName $syncGroupName -Name $syncMemberName -MemberDatabaseType $memberDatabaseType -SyncAgentResourceGroupName $syncAgentResourceGroupName `
-SyncAgentServerName $syncAgentServerName -SyncAgentName $syncAgentName -SyncDirection $syncDirection -SqlServerDatabaseID $syncAgentInfo.DatabaseId `
-SyncMemberAzureDatabaseResourceId $syncMemberResourceId -UsePrivateLinkConnection | Format-list
# update existing sync member to use private link connection
Update-AzSqlSyncMember `
-ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ServerName $serverName -DatabaseName $databaseName -SyncGroupName $syncGroupName -Name $syncMemberName `
-MemberDatabaseCredential $memberDatabaseCredential -SyncMemberAzureDatabaseResourceId $syncMemberResourceId -UsePrivateLinkConnection $true
# update existing sync group and remove private link connection
Update-AzSqlSyncGroup `
-ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ServerName $serverName -DatabaseName $databaseName -Name $syncGroupName -UsePrivateLinkConnection $false
# run the following Get-AzSqlSyncGroup/ Get-AzSqlSyncMember commands to confirm that a private link has been setup for Data Sync, if you decide to use private link.
# Get-AzSqlSyncMember returns information about one or more Azure SQL Database Sync Members. Specify the name of a sync member to see information for only that sync member.
Get-AzSqlSyncMember `
-ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ServerName $serverName -DatabaseName $databaseName -SyncGroupName $syncGroupName -Name $syncMemberName ` | Format-List
# Get-AzSqlSyncGroup returns information about one or more Azure SQL Database Sync Groups. Specify the name of a sync group to see information for only that sync group.
Get-AzSqlSyncGroup `
-ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ServerName $serverName -DatabaseName $databaseName ` | Format-List
# approve private endpoint connection, if you decide to use private link
Approve-AzPrivateEndpointConnection `
-Name myPrivateEndpointConnection -ResourceGroupName myResourceGroup -ServiceName myPrivateLinkService
# refresh database schema from hub database, specify the -SyncMemberName parameter if you want to refresh schema from the member database
Write-Host "Refreshing database schema from hub database..."
$startTime = Get-Date
Update-AzSqlSyncSchema -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ServerName $serverName -DatabaseName $databaseName -SyncGroupName $syncGroupName
# waiting for successful refresh
$startTime = $startTime.ToUniversalTime()
# check the log and see if refresh has gone through
Write-Host "Check for successful refresh..."
$isSucceeded = $false
while ($isSucceeded -eq $false) {
Start-Sleep -s 10
$details = Get-AzSqlSyncSchema -SyncGroupName $syncGroupName -ServerName $serverName -DatabaseName $databaseName -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName
if ($details.LastUpdateTime -gt $startTime) {
Write-Host "Refresh was successful"
$isSucceeded = $true
if ($timer -eq $timeout) {
Write-Host "Refresh timed out"
# get the database schema
Write-Host "Adding tables and columns to the sync schema..."
$databaseSchema = Get-AzSqlSyncSchema -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ServerName $ServerName `
-DatabaseName $DatabaseName -SyncGroupName $SyncGroupName `
$databaseSchema | ConvertTo-Json -depth 5 -Compress | Out-File "C:\Users\OnPremiseServer\AppData\Local\Temp\syncSchema.json"
$newSchema = [AzureSqlSyncGroupSchemaModel]::new()
$newSchema.Tables = [List[AzureSqlSyncGroupSchemaTableModel]]::new();
# add columns and tables to the sync schema
foreach ($tableSchema in $databaseSchema.Tables) {
$newTableSchema = [AzureSqlSyncGroupSchemaTableModel]::new()
$newTableSchema.QuotedName = $tableSchema.QuotedName
$newTableSchema.Columns = [List[AzureSqlSyncGroupSchemaColumnModel]]::new();
$addAllColumns = $false
if ($MetadataList.Contains($tableSchema.QuotedName)) {
if ($tableSchema.HasError) {
$fullTableName = $tableSchema.QuotedName
Write-Host "Can't add table $fullTableName to the sync schema" -foregroundcolor "Red"
Write-Host $tableSchema.ErrorId -foregroundcolor "Red"
else {
$addAllColumns = $true
foreach($columnSchema in $tableSchema.Columns) {
$fullColumnName = $tableSchema.QuotedName + "." + $columnSchema.QuotedName
if ($addAllColumns -or $MetadataList.Contains($fullColumnName)) {
if ((-not $addAllColumns) -and $tableSchema.HasError) {
Write-Host "Can't add column $fullColumnName to the sync schema" -foregroundcolor "Red"
Write-Host $tableSchema.ErrorId -foregroundcolor "Red"
elseif ((-not $addAllColumns) -and $columnSchema.HasError) {
Write-Host "Can't add column $fullColumnName to the sync schema" -foregroundcolor "Red"
Write-Host $columnSchema.ErrorId -foregroundcolor "Red"
else {
Write-Host "Adding"$fullColumnName" to the sync schema"
$newColumnSchema = [AzureSqlSyncGroupSchemaColumnModel]::new()
$newColumnSchema.QuotedName = $columnSchema.QuotedName
$newColumnSchema.DataSize = $columnSchema.DataSize
$newColumnSchema.DataType = $columnSchema.DataType
if ($newTableSchema.Columns.Count -gt 0) {
# convert sync schema to JSON format
$schemaString = $newSchema | ConvertTo-Json -depth 5 -Compress
# work around a PowerShell bug
$schemaString = $schemaString.Replace('"Tables"', '"tables"').Replace('"Columns"', '"columns"').Replace('"QuotedName"', '"quotedName"').Replace('"MasterSyncMemberName"','"masterSyncMemberName"')
# save the sync schema to a temp file
$schemaString | Out-File $tempFile
# update sync schema
Write-Host "Updating the sync schema..."
Update-AzSqlSyncGroup -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ServerName $serverName `
-DatabaseName $databaseName -Name $syncGroupName -Schema $tempFile
$syncLogStartTime = Get-Date
# trigger sync manually
Write-Host "Trigger sync manually..."
Start-AzSqlSyncGroupSync -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ServerName $serverName -DatabaseName $databaseName -SyncGroupName $syncGroupName
# check the sync log and wait until the first sync succeeded
Write-Host "Check the sync log..."
$isSucceeded = $false
for ($i = 0; ($i -lt 300) -and (-not $isSucceeded); $i = $i + 10) {
Start-Sleep -s 10
$syncLogEndTime = Get-Date
$syncLogList = Get-AzSqlSyncGroupLog -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ServerName $serverName -DatabaseName $databaseName `
-SyncGroupName $syncGroupName -StartTime $syncLogStartTime.ToUniversalTime() -EndTime $syncLogEndTime.ToUniversalTime()
if ($synclogList.Length -gt 0) {
foreach ($syncLog in $syncLogList) {
if ($syncLog.Details.Contains("Sync completed successfully")) {
Write-Host $syncLog.TimeStamp : $syncLog.Details
$isSucceeded = $true
if ($isSucceeded) {
# enable scheduled sync
Write-Host "Enable the scheduled sync with 300 seconds interval..."
Update-AzSqlSyncGroup -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ServerName $serverName -DatabaseName $databaseName `
-Name $syncGroupName -IntervalInSeconds $intervalInSeconds
else {
# output all log if sync doesn't succeed in 300 seconds
$syncLogEndTime = Get-Date
$syncLogList = Get-AzSqlSyncGroupLog -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ServerName $serverName -DatabaseName $databaseName `
-SyncGroupName $syncGroupName -StartTime $syncLogStartTime.ToUniversalTime() -EndTime $syncLogEndTime.ToUniversalTime()
if ($synclogList.Length -gt 0) {
foreach ($syncLog in $syncLogList) {
Write-Host $syncLog.TimeStamp : $syncLog.Details
Remove-AzResourceGroup -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName
Remove-AzResourceGroup -ResourceGroupName $SyncDatabaseResourceGroupName
此脚本使用以下命令。 表中的每条命令链接到特定于命令的文档。
命令 | 说明 |
New-AzSqlSyncAgent | 创建新的同步代理。 |
New-AzSqlSyncAgentKey | 生成与同步代理相关联的代理密钥。 |
Get-AzSqlSyncAgentLinkedDatabase | 获取有关同步代理的所有信息。 |
New-AzSqlSyncMember | 向同步组中添加新成员。 |
Update-AzSqlSyncSchema | 刷新数据库架构信息。 |
Get-AzSqlSyncSchema | 获取数据库架构信息。 |
Update-AzSqlSyncGroup | 更新同步组。 |
Start-AzSqlSyncGroupSync | 触发同步。 |
Get-AzSqlSyncGroupLog | 检查同步日志。 |
有关 Azure PowerShell 的详细信息,请参阅 Azure PowerShell 文档。
可以在 Azure SQL 数据库 PowerShell 脚本中找到更多 SQL 数据库 PowerShell 脚本示例。
有关 SQL 数据同步的详细信息,请参阅:
- 概述 - 使用 Azure 中的 SQL 数据同步跨多个云和本地数据库同步数据
- 设置数据同步
- 使用 Azure 门户 - 教程:设置 SQL 数据同步,以在 Azure SQL 数据库和 SQL Server 之间同步数据
- 使用 PowerShell - 使用 PowerShell 在 Azure SQL 数据库中的数据库和 SQL Server 之间同步数据
- Data Sync Agent - Azure 中 SQL 数据同步的 Data Sync Agent
- 最佳做法 - Azure 中 SQL 数据同步的最佳做法
- 监视 - 使用 Azure Monitor 日志监视 SQL 数据同步
- 故障排除 - 排查 Azure 中的 SQL 数据同步问题
- 更新同步架构
- 使用 Transact-SQL - 在 Azure 中的 SQL 数据同步中自动复制架构更改
- 使用 PowerShell - 使用 PowerShell 更新现有同步组中的同步架构
有关 SQL 数据库的详细信息,请参阅: