Modify local network gateway settings using PowerShell
Sometimes the settings for your local network gateway AddressPrefix or GatewayIPAddress change. This article shows you how to modify your local network gateway settings. You can also modify these settings using a different method by selecting a different option from the following list:
Making changes to a local network gateway that has a connection may cause tunnel disconnects and downtime.
Before you begin
Install the latest version of the Azure Resource Manager PowerShell cmdlets. See How to install and configure Azure PowerShell for more information about installing the PowerShell cmdlets.
Modify IP address prefixes
To add additional address prefixes:
Set the variable for the LocalNetworkGateway.
$local = Get-AzLocalNetworkGateway -Name Site1 -ResourceGroupName TestRG1
Modify the prefixes. The values you specify overwrite the previous values.
Set-AzLocalNetworkGateway -LocalNetworkGateway $local ` -AddressPrefix @('','','')
To remove address prefixes:
Leave out the prefixes that you no longer need. In this example, we no longer need prefix (from the previous example), so we'll update the local network gateway and exclude that prefix.
Set the variable for the LocalNetworkGateway.
$local = Get-AzLocalNetworkGateway -Name Site1 -ResourceGroupName TestRG1
Set the gateway with the updated prefixes.
Set-AzLocalNetworkGateway -LocalNetworkGateway $local ` -AddressPrefix @('','')
Modify the gateway IP address
If the VPN device that you want to connect to has changed its public IP address, you need to modify the local network gateway to reflect that change. When modifying this value, you can also modify the address prefixes at the same time. Be sure to use the existing name of your local network gateway in order to overwrite the current settings. If you use a different name, you create a new local network gateway, instead of overwriting the existing one.
New-AzLocalNetworkGateway -Name Site1 `
-Location "China North" -AddressPrefix @('','') `
-GatewayIpAddress "" -ResourceGroupName TestRG1
Next steps
You can verify your gateway connection. See Verify a gateway connection.