Azure Functions warmup trigger
This article explains how to work with the warmup trigger in Azure Functions. A warmup trigger is invoked when an instance is added to scale a running function app. The warmup trigger lets you define a function that runs when a new instance of your function app is started. You can use a warmup trigger to preload custom dependencies so your functions are ready to start processing requests immediately. Some actions for a warmup trigger might include opening connections, loading dependencies, or running any other custom logic before your app begins receiving traffic.
The following considerations apply when using a warmup trigger:
- There can be only one warmup trigger function per function app, and it can't be invoked after the instance is already running.
- The name of the function that is the warmup trigger for your app should be
(case-insensitive). - The warmup trigger isn't available to apps running on the Consumption plan.
- The warmup trigger isn't supported on version 1.x of the Functions runtime.
- Support for the warmup trigger is provided by default in all development environments. You don't have to manually install the package or register the extension.
- The warmup trigger is only called during scale-out operations, not during restarts or other nonscaling startups. Make sure your logic can load all required dependencies without relying on the warmup trigger. Lazy loading is a good pattern to achieve this goal.
- Dependencies created by warmup trigger should be shared with other functions in your app. To learn more, see Static clients.
- If the built-in authentication (also known as Easy Auth) is used, HTTPS Only should be enabled for the warmup trigger to get invoked.
A C# function can be created by using one of the following C# modes:
- In-process class library: Compiled C# function that runs in the same process as the Functions runtime.
- Isolated worker process class library: Compiled C# function that runs in a worker process that's isolated from the runtime. Isolated worker process is required to support C# functions running on LTS and non-LTS versions .NET and the .NET Framework.
- C# script: Used primarily when you create C# functions in the Azure portal.
Support will end for the in-process model on November 10, 2026. We highly recommend that you migrate your apps to the isolated worker model for full support.
The following example shows a C# function that runs on each new instance when added to your app.
using Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
namespace SampleApp
public static class Warmup
public static void Run([WarmupTrigger] object warmupContext, FunctionContext context)
var logger = context.GetLogger(nameof(Warmup));
logger.LogInformation("Function App instance is now warm!");
The following example shows a warmup trigger that runs when each new instance is added to your app.
public void warmup( @WarmupTrigger Object warmupContext, ExecutionContext context) {
context.getLogger().info("Function App instance is warm.");
The following example shows a JavaScript function with a warmup trigger that runs on each new instance when added to your app:
const { app } = require('@azure/functions');
app.warmup('warmupTrigger', {
handler: (warmupContext, context) => {
context.log('Function App instance is warm.');
The following example shows a TypeScript function with a warmup trigger that runs on each new instance when added to your app:
import { app, InvocationContext, WarmupContext } from '@azure/functions';
export async function warmupFunction(warmupContext: WarmupContext, context: InvocationContext): Promise<void> {
context.log('Function App instance is warm.');
app.warmup('warmup', {
handler: warmupFunction,
Here's the function.json file:
"bindings": [
"type": "warmupTrigger",
"direction": "in",
"name": "warmupContext"
PowerShell example code pending.
The following example shows a warmup trigger in a function.json file and a Python function that runs on each new instance when it'is added to your app.
Your function must be named warmup
(case-insensitive) and there can only be one warmup function per app.
Here's the function.json file:
"bindings": [
"type": "warmupTrigger",
"direction": "in",
"name": "warmupContext"
For more information, see Configuration.
Here's the Python code:
import logging
import azure.functions as func
def main(warmupContext: func.Context) -> None:'Function App instance is warm.')
Both in-process and isolated worker process C# libraries use the WarmupTrigger
attribute to define the function. C# script instead uses a function.json configuration file.
Use the WarmupTrigger
attribute to define the function. This attribute has no parameters.
Warmup triggers don't require annotations. Just use a name of warmup
(case-insensitive) for the FunctionName
The following table explains the binding configuration properties that you set in the function.json file.
function.json property | Description |
type | Required - must be set to warmupTrigger . |
direction | Required - must be set to in . |
name | Required - the variable name used in function code. A name of warmupContext is recommended for the binding parameter. |
See the Example section for complete examples.
The following considerations apply to using a warmup function in C#:
- Your function must be named
(case-insensitive) using theFunction
attribute. - A return value attribute isn't required.
- Use the
package - You can pass an object instance to the function.
Your function must be named warmup
(case-insensitive) using the FunctionName
The function type in function.json must be set to warmupTrigger