配置 Webhook 以获取活动日志警报
作为操作组定义的一部分,可以配置 webhook 终结点以接收活动日志警报通知。 通过 webhook 可以将这些通知路由到其他系统,以便进行后续处理或自定义操作。 本文介绍针对 webhook 发出的 HTTP POST 的有效负载的大致形式。
有关活动日志警报的详细信息,请参阅如何创建 Azure 活动日志警报。
对 webhook 进行身份验证
Webhook 可以选择使用基于令牌的授权进行身份验证。 保存的 webhook URI 具有令牌 ID,例如,https://mysamplealert/webcallback?tokenid=sometokenid&someparameter=somevalue
POST 操作中包含的 JSON 有效负载因有效负载的 data.context.activityLog.eventSource
目前,作为活动日志事件的一部分的描述将复制到触发的 Alert Description
为使活动日志有效负载与其他警报类型保持一致,自 2021 年 4 月 1 日起,触发的警报属性 Description
为了准备适应该更改,我们为活动日志触发的警报创建了新属性 Activity Log Event Description
。 此新属性由已经可供使用的 Description
属性填充。 因此,新字段 Activity Log Event Description
请检查你的警报规则、操作规则、Webhook、逻辑应用,或者可能使用触发警报中的 Description
属性的任何其他配置。 将 Description
属性替换为 Activity Log Event Description
如果你的操作规则、Webhook、逻辑应用或任何其他配置中的条件目前基于活动日志警报的 Description
属性,则可能需要将其修改为基于 Activity Log Event Description
若要填充新的 Description
"schemaId": "Microsoft.Insights/activityLogs",
"data": {
"status": "Activated",
"context": {
"activityLog": {
"channels": "Operation",
"correlationId": "aaaa0000-bb11-2222-33cc-444444dddddd",
"eventSource": "Administrative",
"eventTimestamp": "2017-03-29T15:43:08.0019532+00:00",
"eventDataId": "8195a56a-85de-4663-943e-1a2bf401ad94",
"level": "Informational",
"operationName": "Microsoft.Insights/actionGroups/write",
"operationId": "aaaa0000-bb11-2222-33cc-444444dddddd",
"status": "Started",
"subStatus": "",
"subscriptionId": "aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e",
"submissionTimestamp": "2017-03-29T15:43:20.3863637+00:00",
"properties": {}
"schemaId": "Microsoft.Insights/activityLogs",
"data": {
"status": "Activated",
"context": {
"activityLog": {
"authorization": {
"action": "Microsoft.Insights/actionGroups/write",
"scope": "/subscriptions/bbbb1b1b-cc2c-dd3d-ee4e-ffffff5f5f5f/resourceGroups/CONTOSO-TEST/providers/Microsoft.Insights/actionGroups/IncidentActions"
"claims": "{...}",
"caller": "me@contoso.com",
"description": "",
"httpRequest": "{...}",
"resourceId": "/subscriptions/bbbb1b1b-cc2c-dd3d-ee4e-ffffff5f5f5f/resourceGroups/CONTOSO-TEST/providers/Microsoft.Insights/actionGroups/IncidentActions",
"resourceGroupName": "CONTOSO-TEST",
"resourceProviderName": "Microsoft.Insights",
"resourceType": "Microsoft.Insights/actionGroups"
"properties": {}
"description":"Failed SSH brute force attack. Failed brute force attacks were detected from the following attackers: [\"IP Address:\"]. Attackers were trying to access the host with the following user names: [\"root\"].",
"attackers":"[\"IP Address:\"]",
"wasSSHSessionInitiated":"No","endTimeUTC":"06/25/2017 19:59:39",
"resourceType":"Virtual Machine",
"remediationSteps":"[In case this is an Azure virtual machine, add the source IP to NSG block list for 24 hours (see https://azure.microsoft.com/documentation/articles/virtual-networks-nsg/)]",
"attackedResourceType":"Virtual Machine"
"description":"A new recommendation is available.",
"recommendationName":"Enable Soft Delete to protect your blob data",
"schemaId": "Microsoft.Insights/activityLogs",
"data": {
"status": "Activated",
"context": {
"activityLog": {
"channels": "Admin",
"correlationId": "cccc2222-dd33-4444-55ee-666666ffffff",
"description": "Active: Virtual Machines - China East",
"eventSource": "ServiceHealth",
"eventTimestamp": "2017-10-18T23:49:25.3736084+00:00",
"eventDataId": "6fa98c0f-334a-b066-1934-1a4b3d929856",
"level": "Informational",
"operationName": "Microsoft.ServiceHealth/incident/action",
"operationId": "cccc2222-dd33-4444-55ee-666666ffffff",
"properties": {
"title": "Virtual Machines - China East",
"service": "Virtual Machines",
"region": "China East",
"communication": "Starting at 02:48 UTC on 18 Oct 2017 you have been identified as a customer using Virtual Machines in Australia East who may receive errors starting Dv2 Promo and DSv2 Promo Virtual Machines which are in a stopped "deallocated" or suspended state. Customers can still provision Dv1 and Dv2 series Virtual Machines or try deploying Virtual Machines in other regions, as a possible workaround. Engineers have identified a possible fix for the underlying cause, and are exploring implementation options. The next update will be provided as events warrant.",
"incidentType": "Incident",
"trackingId": "0NIH-U2O",
"impactStartTime": "2017-10-18T02:48:00.0000000Z",
"impactedServices": "[{\"ImpactedRegions\":[{\"RegionName\":\"China East\"}],\"ServiceName\":\"Virtual Machines\"}]",
"defaultLanguageTitle": "Virtual Machines - China East",
"defaultLanguageContent": "Starting at 02:48 UTC on 18 Oct 2017 you have been identified as a customer using Virtual Machines in Australia East who may receive errors starting Dv2 Promo and DSv2 Promo Virtual Machines which are in a stopped "deallocated" or suspended state. Customers can still provision Dv1 and Dv2 series Virtual Machines or try deploying Virtual Machines in other regions, as a possible workaround. Engineers have identified a possible fix for the underlying cause, and are exploring implementation options. The next update will be provided as events warrant.",
"stage": "Active",
"communicationId": "636439673646212912",
"version": "0.1.1"
"status": "Active",
"subscriptionId": "cccc2c2c-dd3d-ee4e-ff5f-aaaaaa6a6a6a",
"submissionTimestamp": "2017-10-18T23:49:28.7864349+00:00"
"properties": {}
有关服务运行状况通知活动日志警报的特定架构详细信息,请参阅服务运行状况通知。 还可以了解如何使用现有的问题管理解决方案配置服务运行状况 Webhook 通知。
"schemaId": "Microsoft.Insights/activityLogs",
"data": {
"status": "Activated",
"context": {
"activityLog": {
"channels": "Admin, Operation",
"correlationId": "dddd3333-ee44-5555-66ff-777777aaaaaa",
"eventSource": "ResourceHealth",
"eventTimestamp": "2018-09-04T23:09:03.343+00:00",
"eventDataId": "2b37e2d0-7bda-4de7-ur8c6-1447d02265b2",
"level": "Informational",
"operationName": "Microsoft.Resourcehealth/healthevent/Activated/action",
"operationId": "2b37e2d0-7bda-489f-81c6-1447d02265b2",
"properties": {
"title": "Virtual Machine health status changed to unavailable",
"details": "Virtual machine has experienced an unexpected event",
"currentHealthStatus": "Unavailable",
"previousHealthStatus": "Available",
"type": "Downtime",
"cause": "PlatformInitiated"
"resourceId": "/subscriptions/<subscription Id>/resourceGroups/<resource group>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/<resource name>",
"resourceGroupName": "<resource group>",
"resourceProviderName": "Microsoft.Resourcehealth/healthevent/action",
"status": "Active",
"subscriptionId": "<subscription Id>",
"submissionTimestamp": "2018-09-04T23:11:06.1607287+00:00",
"resourceType": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines"
元素名称 | 说明 |
status | 用于度量值警报。 对于活动日志警报,始终设置为 activated 。 |
上下文 | 事件的上下文。 |
resourceProviderName | 受影响资源的资源提供程序。 |
conditionType | 总是为 Event 。 |
name | 警报规则的名称。 |
ID | 警报的资源 ID。 |
description | 创建警报时设置警报说明。 |
subscriptionId | Azure 订阅 ID。 |
timestamp | 处理请求的 Azure 服务生成事件的时间。 |
resourceId | 受影响资源的资源 ID。 |
resourceGroupName | 受影响资源的资源组名称。 |
properties | 一组包含事件详细信息的 <Key, Value> 对(即 Dictionary<String, String> )。 |
event | 包含有关事件的元数据的元素。 |
authorization | 事件的 Azure 基于角色的访问控制属性。 这些属性通常包括“action”、“role”和“scope”。 |
category | 事件的类别。 支持的值包括 Administrative 、Alert 、Security 、ServiceHealth 和 Recommendation 。 |
caller | 执行操作的用户的电子邮件地址(基于可用性的 UPN 声明或 SPN 声明)。 对于某些系统调用可以为 null。 |
correlationId | 通常是字符串格式的 GUID。 具有 correlationId 的事件属于同一个较大操作,通常共享一个 correlationId 。 |
eventDescription | 事件的静态文本说明。 |
eventDataId | 事件的唯一标识符。 |
eventSource | 生成事件的 Azure 服务或基础结构的名称。 |
httpRequest | 请求通常包括 clientRequestId 、clientIpAddress 和 HTTP 方法(例如 PUT)。 |
级别 | 以下值之一:Critical 、Error 、Warning 和 Informational 。 |
operationId | 通常是在与单个操作对应的事件之间共享的 GUID。 |
operationName | 操作的名称。 |
properties | 事件的属性。 |
status | 字符串。 操作的状态。 常用值包括 Started 、In Progress 、Succeeded 、Failed 、Active 和 Resolved 。 |
subStatus | 通常包含对应 REST 调用的 HTTP 状态代码。 它还可能包含描述子状态的其他字符串。 常用 substatus 值包括 OK (HTTP 状态代码:200)、Created (HTTP 状态代码:201)、Accepted (HTTP 状态代码:202)、No Content (HTTP 状态代码:204)、Bad Request (HTTP 状态代码:400)、Not Found (HTTP 状态代码:404)、Conflict (HTTP 状态代码:409)、Internal Server Error (HTTP 状态代码:500)、Service Unavailable (HTTP 状态代码:503)和 Gateway Timeout (HTTP 状态代码:504)。 |
有关所有其他活动日志警报的特定架构的详细信息,请参阅 Azure 活动日志概述。
- 了解有关活动日志的更多信息。
- 对 Azure 警报执行 Azure 自动化脚本 (Runbook)。
- 使用逻辑应用通过 Twilio 从 Azure 警报发送短信。 本示例适用于度量值警报,但经过修改后可用于活动日志警报。
- 使用逻辑应用从 Azure 警报发送 Slack 消息。 本示例适用于度量值警报,但经过修改后可用于活动日志警报。
- 使用逻辑应用从 Azure 警报将消息发送到 Azure 队列。 本示例适用于度量值警报,但经过修改后可用于活动日志警报。