Manage a public IP address prefix

A public IP address prefix is a contiguous range of standard SKU public IP addresses. When you create a public IP address resource, you can assign a static public IP from the prefix and associate the address to Azure resources. For more information, see Public IP address prefix overview. This article explains how to create, modify, or delete public IP address prefixes, and create public IPs from an existing prefix.

Create a public IP address prefix

The following section details the parameters when creating a public IP prefix.

Setting Required? Details
Subscription Yes Must exist in the same subscription as the resource you want to associate the public IP address prefix to.
Resource group Yes Can exist in the same, or different, resource group as the resource you want to associate the public IP address prefix to.
Name Yes The name must be unique within the resource group you select.
Region Yes Must exist in the same regionas the public IP addresses assigned from the range.
IP version Yes IP version of the prefix (v4 or v6).
Prefix size Yes The size of the prefix you need. A range with 16 IP addresses (/28 for v4 or /124 for v6) is the default limit for Microsoft owned ranges.

Alternatively, you can use the following CLI and PowerShell commands to create a public IP address prefix.

Tool Command
CLI az network public-ip prefix create
PowerShell New-AzPublicIpPrefix


In regions with availability zones, you can use PowerShell or CLI commands to create a public IP address prefix as either: non-zonal, associated with a specific zone, or to use zone-redundancy. For API version 2020-08-01 or later, if a zone parameter isn't provided, a non-zonal public IP address prefix is created. For versions of the API older than 2020-08-01, a zone-redundant public IP address prefix is created.

Create a static public IP address from a prefix

The following section details the parameters required when creating a static public IP address from a prefix.

Setting Required? Details
Name Yes The name of the public IP address must be unique within the resource group you select.
Idle timeout (minutes) No How many minutes to keep a TCP or HTTP connection open without relying on clients to send keep-alive messages.
DNS name label No Must be unique within the Azure region you create the name in (across all subscriptions and all customers).
Azure automatically registers the name and IP address in its DNS so you can connect to a resource with the name.
Azure appends a default subnet to the name you provide to create the fully qualified DNS name.
For more information, see Use Azure DNS with an Azure public IP address.

Alternatively, you can use the following CLI and PowerShell commands with the --public-ip-prefix (CLI) and -PublicIpPrefix (PowerShell) parameters, to create a public IP address resource from a prefix.

Tool Command
CLI az network public-ip create
PowerShell New-AzPublicIpAddress


When requesting a Public IP address from a Public IP Prefix, the allocation isn't deterministic or sequential. If a specific Public IP address from a Public IP Prefix is required, the PowerShell or CLI commands allow for this. For PowerShell, the IpAddress parameter (followed by the desired IP) should be used; for CLI, the ip-address parameter (followed by the desired IP) should be used.


Only static public IP addresses created with the Standard SKU can be assigned from the prefix's range. To learn more about public IP address SKUs, see public IP address.

View or delete a prefix

To view or delete a prefix, the following commands can be used in Azure CLI and Azure PowerShell.

Tool Command
CLI az network public-ip prefix list to list public IP addresses.
az network public-ip prefix show to show settings.
az network public-ip prefix update to update.
az network public-ip prefix delete to delete.
PowerShell Get-AzPublicIpPrefix to retrieve a public IP address object and view its settings.
Set-AzPublicIpPrefix to update settings.
Remove-AzPublicIpPrefix to delete.


For permissions to manage public IP address prefixes, your account must be assigned to the network contributor role or to a custom role.

Action Name
Microsoft.Network/publicIPPrefixes/read Read a public IP address prefix
Microsoft.Network/publicIPPrefixes/write Create or update a public IP address prefix
Microsoft.Network/publicIPPrefixes/delete Delete a public IP address prefix
Microsoft.Network/publicIPPrefixes/join/action Create a public IP address from a prefix

Next steps