Azure Synapse Analytics monitoring data reference

This article contains all the monitoring reference information for this service.

See Monitor Azure Synapse Analytics for details on the data you can collect for Azure Synapse Analytics and how to use it.


This section lists all the automatically collected platform metrics for this service. These metrics are also part of the global list of all platform metrics supported in Azure Monitor.

For information on metric retention, see Azure Monitor Metrics overview.

Supported metrics for Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces

The following table lists the metrics available for the Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces resource type.

Table headings

  • Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
  • Name in Rest API - Metric name as referred to in the REST API.
  • Unit - Unit of measure.
  • Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total, Count.
  • Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
  • Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example, PT1M indicates that the metric is sampled every minute, PT30M every 30 minutes, PT1H every hour, and so on.
  • DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via Diagnostic Settings. For information on exporting metrics, see Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.
Category Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
Built-in SQL Pool Data processed (bytes)

Amount of data processed by queries
BuiltinSqlPoolDataProcessedBytes Bytes Total (Sum) <none> PT1M No
Built-in SQL Pool Login attempts

Count of login attempts that succeded or failed
BuiltinSqlPoolLoginAttempts Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) Result PT1M No
Built-in SQL Pool Requests ended

Count of Requests that succeeded, failed, or were cancelled
BuiltinSqlPoolRequestsEnded Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) Result PT1M No
Integration Activity runs ended

Count of integration activities that succeeded, failed, or were cancelled
IntegrationActivityRunsEnded Count Count, Total (Sum) Result, FailureType, Activity, ActivityType, Pipeline PT1M, PT1H No
Integration Link connection events

Number of Synapse Link connection events including start, stop and failure.
IntegrationLinkConnectionEvents Count Total (Sum) EventType, LinkConnectionName PT1M No
Integration Link processed rows

Changed row count processed by Synapse Link.
IntegrationLinkProcessedChangedRows Count Total (Sum) TableName, LinkConnectionName PT1M No
Integration Link processed data volume (bytes)

Data volume in bytes processed by Synapse Link.
IntegrationLinkProcessedDataVolume Bytes Total (Sum) TableName, LinkTableStatus, LinkConnectionName PT1M No
Integration Link latency in seconds

Synapse Link data processing latency in seconds.
IntegrationLinkProcessingLatencyInSeconds Count Maximum, Minimum, Average LinkConnectionName PT1M No
Integration Link table events

Number of Synapse Link table events including snapshot, removal and failure.
IntegrationLinkTableEvents Count Total (Sum) TableName, EventType, LinkConnectionName PT1M No
Integration Pipeline runs ended

Count of integration pipeline runs that succeeded, failed, or were cancelled
IntegrationPipelineRunsEnded Count Count, Total (Sum) Result, FailureType, Pipeline PT1M, PT1H No
Integration Trigger Runs ended

Count of integration triggers that succeeded, failed, or were cancelled
IntegrationTriggerRunsEnded Count Count, Total (Sum) Result, FailureType, Trigger PT1M, PT1H No
Streaming job Backlogged input events (preview)

This is a preview metric available in China North, China North. Number of input events sources backlogged.
SQLStreamingBackloggedInputEventSources Count Total (Sum) SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance PT1M No
Streaming job Data conversion errors (preview)

This is a preview metric available in China North, China North. Number of output events that could not be converted to the expected output schema. Error policy can be changed to 'Drop' to drop events that encounter this scenario.
SQLStreamingConversionErrors Count Total (Sum) SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance PT1M No
Streaming job Input deserialization errors (preview)

This is a preview metric available in China North, China North. Number of input events that could not be deserialized.
SQLStreamingDeserializationError Count Total (Sum) SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance PT1M No
Streaming job Early input events (preview)

This is a preview metric available in China North, China North. Number of input events which application time is considered early compared to arrival time, according to early arrival policy.
SQLStreamingEarlyInputEvents Count Total (Sum) SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance PT1M No
Streaming job Input event bytes (preview)

This is a preview metric available in China North, China North. Amount of data received by the streaming job, in bytes. This can be used to validate that events are being sent to the input source.
SQLStreamingInputEventBytes Count Total (Sum) SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance PT1M No
Streaming job Input events (preview)

This is a preview metric available in China North, China North. Number of input events.
SQLStreamingInputEvents Count Total (Sum) SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance PT1M No
Streaming job Input sources received (preview)

This is a preview metric available in China North, China North. Number of input events sources per second.
SQLStreamingInputEventsSourcesPerSecond Count Total (Sum) SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance PT1M No
Streaming job Late input events (preview)

This is a preview metric available in China North, China North. Number of input events which application time is considered late compared to arrival time, according to late arrival policy.
SQLStreamingLateInputEvents Count Total (Sum) SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance PT1M No
Streaming job Out of order events (preview)

This is a preview metric available in China North, China North. Number of Event Hub Events (serialized messages) received by the Event Hub Input Adapter, received out of order that were either dropped or given an adjusted timestamp, based on the Event Ordering Policy.
SQLStreamingOutOfOrderEvents Count Total (Sum) SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance PT1M No
Streaming job Output events (preview)

This is a preview metric available in China North, China North. Number of output events.
SQLStreamingOutputEvents Count Total (Sum) SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance PT1M No
Streaming job Watermark delay (preview)

This is a preview metric available in China North, China North. Output watermark delay in seconds.
SQLStreamingOutputWatermarkDelaySeconds Count Maximum, Minimum, Average SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance PT1M No
Streaming job Resource % utilization (preview)

This is a preview metric available in China North, China North.

Resource utilization expressed as a percentage. High utilization indicates that the job is using close to the maximum allocated resources.
SQLStreamingResourceUtilization Percent Maximum, Minimum, Average SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance PT1M No
Streaming job Runtime errors (preview)

This is a preview metric available in China North, China North. Total number of errors related to query processing (excluding errors found while ingesting events or outputting results).
SQLStreamingRuntimeErrors Count Total (Sum) SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance PT1M No

Azure Synapse Link emits the following metrics to Azure Monitor:

Metric Aggregation types Description
Link connection events Sum Number of Synapse Link connection events, including start, stop, and failure
Link latency in seconds Max, Min, Avg Synapse Link data processing latency in seconds
Link processed data volume (bytes) Sum Data volume in bytes processed by Synapse Link
Link processed rows Sum Row counts processed by Synapse Link
Link table events Sum Number of Synapse Link table events, including snapshot, removal, and failure

Supported metrics for Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/bigDataPools

The following table lists the metrics available for the Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/bigDataPools resource type.

Table headings

  • Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
  • Name in Rest API - Metric name as referred to in the REST API.
  • Unit - Unit of measure.
  • Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total, Count.
  • Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
  • Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example, PT1M indicates that the metric is sampled every minute, PT30M every 30 minutes, PT1H every hour, and so on.
  • DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via Diagnostic Settings. For information on exporting metrics, see Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.
Category Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
Apache Spark pool vCores allocated

Allocated vCores for an Apache Spark Pool
BigDataPoolAllocatedCores Count Maximum, Minimum, Average, Total (Sum) SubmitterId PT1M No
Apache Spark pool Memory allocated (GB)

Allocated Memory for Apach Spark Pool (GB)
BigDataPoolAllocatedMemory Count Maximum, Minimum, Average, Total (Sum) SubmitterId PT1M No
Apache Spark pool Active Apache Spark applications

Total Active Apache Spark Pool Applications
BigDataPoolApplicationsActive Count Maximum, Minimum, Average JobState PT1M No
Apache Spark pool Ended Apache Spark applications

Count of Apache Spark pool applications ended
BigDataPoolApplicationsEnded Count Total (Sum) JobType, JobResult PT1M No

Supported metrics for Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools

The following table lists the metrics available for the Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools resource type.

Table headings

  • Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
  • Name in Rest API - Metric name as referred to in the REST API.
  • Unit - Unit of measure.
  • Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total, Count.
  • Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
  • Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example, PT1M indicates that the metric is sampled every minute, PT30M every 30 minutes, PT1H every hour, and so on.
  • DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via Diagnostic Settings. For information on exporting metrics, see Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.
Category Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
SQL dedicated pool Active queries

The active queries. Using this metric unfiltered and unsplit displays all active queries running on the system
ActiveQueries Count Total (Sum) IsUserDefined PT1M No
SQL dedicated pool Adaptive cache hit percentage

Measures how well workloads are utilizing the adaptive cache. Use this metric with the cache hit percentage metric to determine whether to scale for additional capacity or rerun workloads to hydrate the cache
AdaptiveCacheHitPercent Percent Maximum, Minimum, Average <none> PT1M No
SQL dedicated pool Adaptive cache used percentage

Measures how well workloads are utilizing the adaptive cache. Use this metric with the cache used percentage metric to determine whether to scale for additional capacity or rerun workloads to hydrate the cache
AdaptiveCacheUsedPercent Percent Maximum, Minimum, Average <none> PT1M No
SQL dedicated pool Connections

Count of Total logins to the SQL pool
Connections Count Total (Sum) Result PT1M Yes
SQL dedicated pool Connections blocked by firewall

Count of connections blocked by firewall rules. Revisit access control policies for your SQL pool and monitor these connections if the count is high
ConnectionsBlockedByFirewall Count Total (Sum) <none> PT1M No
SQL dedicated pool CPU used percentage

CPU utilization across all nodes in the SQL pool
CPUPercent Percent Maximum, Minimum, Average <none> PT1M No
SQL dedicated pool DWU limit

Service level objective of the SQL pool
DWULimit Count Maximum, Minimum, Average <none> PT1M No
SQL dedicated pool DWU used

Represents a high-level representation of usage across the SQL pool. Measured by DWU limit * DWU percentage
DWUUsed Count Maximum, Minimum, Average <none> PT1M No
SQL dedicated pool DWU used percentage

Represents a high-level representation of usage across the SQL pool. Measured by taking the maximum between CPU percentage and Data IO percentage
DWUUsedPercent Percent Maximum, Minimum, Average <none> PT1M No
SQL dedicated pool Local tempdb used percentage

Local tempdb utilization across all compute nodes - values are emitted every five minute
LocalTempDBUsedPercent Percent Maximum, Minimum, Average <none> PT1M No
SQL dedicated pool Memory used percentage

Memory utilization across all nodes in the SQL pool
MemoryUsedPercent Percent Maximum, Minimum, Average <none> PT1M No
SQL dedicated pool Queued queries

Cumulative count of requests queued after the max concurrency limit was reached
QueuedQueries Count Total (Sum) IsUserDefined PT1M No
SQL dedicated pool - Workload management Workload group active queries

The active queries within the workload group. Using this metric unfiltered and unsplit displays all active queries running on the system
WLGActiveQueries Count Total (Sum) IsUserDefined, WorkloadGroup PT1M No
SQL dedicated pool - Workload management Workload group query timeouts

Queries for the workload group that have timed out. Query timeouts reported by this metric are only once the query has started executing (it does not include wait time due to locking or resource waits)
WLGActiveQueriesTimeouts Count Total (Sum) IsUserDefined, WorkloadGroup PT1M No
SQL dedicated pool - Workload management Workload group allocation by max resource percent

Displays the percentage allocation of resources relative to the Effective cap resource percent per workload group. This metric provides the effective utilization of the workload group
WLGAllocationByEffectiveCapResourcePercent Percent Maximum, Minimum, Average IsUserDefined, WorkloadGroup PT1M No
SQL dedicated pool - Workload management Workload group allocation by system percent

The percentage allocation of resources relative to the entire system
WLGAllocationBySystemPercent Percent Maximum, Minimum, Average, Total (Sum) IsUserDefined, WorkloadGroup PT1M No
SQL dedicated pool - Workload management Effective cap resource percent

The effective cap resource percent for the workload group. If there are other workload groups with min_percentage_resource > 0, the effective_cap_percentage_resource is lowered proportionally
WLGEffectiveCapResourcePercent Percent Maximum, Minimum, Average IsUserDefined, WorkloadGroup PT1M No
SQL dedicated pool - Workload management Effective min resource percent

The effective min resource percentage setting allowed considering the service level and the workload group settings. The effective min_percentage_resource can be adjusted higher on lower service levels
WLGEffectiveMinResourcePercent Percent Minimum, Maximum, Average, Total (Sum) IsUserDefined, WorkloadGroup PT1M No
SQL dedicated pool - Workload management Workload group queued queries

Cumulative count of requests queued after the max concurrency limit was reached
WLGQueuedQueries Count Total (Sum) IsUserDefined, WorkloadGroup PT1M No


  • Dedicated SQL pool measures performance in compute data warehouse units (DWUs). Rather than surfacing details of individual nodes such as memory per node or number of CPUs per node, metrics such as MemoryUsedPercent and CPUPercent show general usage trend over a period of time. These trends help administrators understand how a dedicated SQL pool instance is utilized. Changes in memory or CPU footprint could be a trigger for actions such as scale-up or scale-down of DWUs, or investigating queries that might require optimization.

  • DWUUsed represents only high-level usage across the SQL pool and isn't a comprehensive indicator of utilization. To determine whether to scale up or down, consider all factors that DWU can impact, such as concurrency, memory, tempdb size, and adaptive cache capacity. Run your workload at different DWU settings to determine what works best to meet your business objectives.

  • MemoryUsedPercent reflects utilization even if the data warehouse is idle, not active workload memory consumption. Track this metric along with tempdb size and Gen2 cache to decide whether you need to scale for more cache capacity to increase workload performance.

  • Failed and successful connections are reported for a particular data warehouse, not for the server itself.

Metric dimensions

For information about what metric dimensions are, see Multi-dimensional metrics.

This service has the following dimensions associated with its metrics.


Result, FailureType, Activity, ActivityType, Pipeline, Trigger, EventType, TableName, LinkTableStatus, LinkConnectionName, SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance

Use the Result dimension of the IntegrationActivityRunsEnded, IntegrationPipelineRunsEnded, IntegrationTriggerRunsEnded, and BuiltinSqlPoolDataRequestsEnded metrics to filter by Succeeded, Failed, or Canceled final state.


SubmitterId, JobState, JobType, JobResult


IsUserDefined, Result

Resource logs

This section lists the types of resource logs you can collect for this service. The section pulls from the list of all resource logs category types supported in Azure Monitor.

Supported resource logs for Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces

Category Category display name Log table Supports basic log plan Supports ingestion-time transformation Example queries Costs to export
BuiltinSqlReqsEnded Built-in Sql Pool Requests Ended SynapseBuiltinSqlPoolRequestsEnded

Ended Azure Synapse built-in serverless SQL requests.

No Yes No
GatewayApiRequests Synapse Gateway Api Requests SynapseGatewayApiRequests

Azure Synapse gateway API requests.

No Yes No
IntegrationActivityRuns Integration Activity Runs SynapseIntegrationActivityRuns

Logs for Synapse integration activity runs.

No Yes Yes
IntegrationPipelineRuns Integration Pipeline Runs SynapseIntegrationPipelineRuns

Logs for Synapse integration pipeline runs.

No Yes Yes
IntegrationTriggerRuns Integration Trigger Runs SynapseIntegrationTriggerRuns

Logs for Synapse integration trigger runs.

No Yes Yes
SQLSecurityAuditEvents SQL Security Audit Event SQLSecurityAuditEvents

Azure Synapse SQL Audit Log.

No Yes No
SynapseLinkEvent Synapse Link Event SynapseLinkEvent

Information about Synapse Link, including Link status and Link table status.

No No Queries Yes
SynapseRbacOperations Synapse RBAC Operations SynapseRbacOperations

Azure Synapse role-based access control (SRBAC) operations.

No Yes No


The event SynapseBuiltinSqlPoolRequestsEnded is emitted only for queries that read data from storage. It's not emitted for queries that process only metadata.

Supported resource logs for Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/bigDataPools

Category Category display name Log table Supports basic log plan Supports ingestion-time transformation Example queries Costs to export
BigDataPoolAppEvents Big Data Pool Applications Execution Metrics No No Yes
BigDataPoolAppsEnded Big Data Pool Applications Ended SynapseBigDataPoolApplicationsEnded

Information about ended Apache Spark applications.

No Yes No
BigDataPoolBlockManagerEvents Big Data Pool Block Manager Events No No Yes
BigDataPoolDriverLogs Big Data Pool Driver Logs No No Yes
BigDataPoolEnvironmentEvents Big Data Pool Environment Events No No Yes
BigDataPoolExecutorEvents Big Data Pool Executor Events No No Yes
BigDataPoolExecutorLogs Big Data Pool Executor Logs No No Yes
BigDataPoolJobEvents Big Data Pool Job Events No No Yes
BigDataPoolSqlExecutionEvents Big Data Pool Sql Execution Events No No Yes
BigDataPoolStageEvents Big Data Pool Stage Events No No Yes
BigDataPoolTaskEvents Big Data Pool Task Events No No Yes

Supported resource logs for Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools

Category Category display name Log table Supports basic log plan Supports ingestion-time transformation Example queries Costs to export
DmsWorkers Dms Workers SynapseSqlPoolDmsWorkers

Information about workers completing DMS steps in an Azure Synapse dedicated SQL pool.

Yes Yes No
ExecRequests Exec Requests SynapseSqlPoolExecRequests

Information about SQL requests or queries in an Azure Synapse dedicated SQL pool.

Yes Yes No
RequestSteps Request Steps SynapseSqlPoolRequestSteps

Information about request steps that compose a given SQL request or query in an Azure Synapse dedicated SQL pool.

Yes Yes No
SqlRequests Sql Requests SynapseSqlPoolSqlRequests

Information about query distributions of the steps of SQL requests/queries in an Azure Synapse dedicated SQL pool.

Yes Yes No
SQLSecurityAuditEvents Sql Security Audit Event SQLSecurityAuditEvents

Azure Synapse SQL Audit Log.

No Yes No
Waits Waits SynapseSqlPoolWaits

Information about the wait states encountered during execution of a SQL request/query in an Azure Synapse dedicated SQL pool, including locks and waits on transmission queues.

Yes Yes No

Dynamic Management Views (DMVs)

For more information on these logs, see the following information:

To view the list of DMVs that apply to Synapse SQL, see System views supported in Synapse SQL.

Azure Monitor Logs tables

This section lists the Azure Monitor Logs tables relevant to this service, which are available for query by Log Analytics using Kusto queries. The tables contain resource log data and possibly more depending on what is collected and routed to them.

Synapse Workspaces


Available Apache Spark configurations

Configuration name Default value Description
spark.synapse.logAnalytics.enabled false To enable the Log Analytics sink for the Spark applications, true. Otherwise, false.
spark.synapse.logAnalytics.workspaceId - The destination Log Analytics workspace ID.
spark.synapse.logAnalytics.secret - The destination Log Analytics workspace secret.
spark.synapse.logAnalytics.keyVault.linkedServiceName - The Key Vault linked service name for the Log Analytics workspace ID and key. - The Key Vault name for the Log Analytics ID and key.
spark.synapse.logAnalytics.keyVault.key.workspaceId SparkLogAnalyticsWorkspaceId The Key Vault secret name for the Log Analytics workspace ID.
spark.synapse.logAnalytics.keyVault.key.secret SparkLogAnalyticsSecret The Key Vault secret name for the Log Analytics workspace
spark.synapse.logAnalytics.uriSuffix The destination Log Analytics workspace URI suffix. If your workspace isn't in Azure global, you need to update the URI suffix according to the respective cloud.
spark.synapse.logAnalytics.filter.eventName.match - Optional. The comma-separated spark event names, you can specify which events to collect. For example: SparkListenerJobStart,SparkListenerJobEnd
spark.synapse.logAnalytics.filter.loggerName.match - Optional. The comma-separated log4j logger names, you can specify which logs to collect. For example: org.apache.spark.SparkContext,org.example.Logger
spark.synapse.logAnalytics.filter.metricName.match - Optional. The comma-separated spark metric name suffixes, you can specify which metrics to collect. For example: jvm.heap.used


  • For Microsoft Azure operated by 21Vianet, the spark.synapse.logAnalytics.uriSuffix parameter should be

Activity log

The linked table lists the operations that may be recorded in the activity log for this service. This is a subset of all the possible resource provider operations in the activity log.

For more information on the schema of activity log entries, see Activity Log schema.