Azure Data Factory monitoring data reference
This article contains all the monitoring reference information for this service.
See Monitor Data Factory for details on the data you can collect for Azure Data Factory and how to use it.
This section lists all the automatically collected platform metrics for this service. These metrics are also part of the global list of all platform metrics supported in Azure Monitor.
For information on metric retention, see Azure Monitor Metrics overview.
Supported metrics for Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories
The following table lists the metrics available for the Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories resource type.
Table headings
- Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
- Name in Rest API - Metric name as referred to in the REST API.
- Unit - Unit of measure.
- Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total, Count.
- Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
- Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example,
indicates that the metric is sampled every minute,PT30M
every 30 minutes,PT1H
every hour, and so on. - DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via Diagnostic Settings. For information on exporting metrics, see Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.
Metric | Name in REST API | Unit | Aggregation | Dimensions | Time Grains | DS Export |
Failed Runs Failed Runs |
FailedRuns |
Count | Total (Sum) | pipelineName , activityName |
PT1H | Yes |
Successful Runs Successful Runs |
SuccessfulRuns |
Count | Total (Sum) | pipelineName , activityName |
PT1H | Yes |
Supported metrics for Microsoft.DataFactory/factories
The following table lists the metrics available for the Microsoft.DataFactory/factories resource type.
Table headings
- Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
- Name in Rest API - Metric name as referred to in the REST API.
- Unit - Unit of measure.
- Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total, Count.
- Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
- Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example,
indicates that the metric is sampled every minute,PT30M
every 30 minutes,PT1H
every hour, and so on. - DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via Diagnostic Settings. For information on exporting metrics, see Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.
Metric | Name in REST API | Unit | Aggregation | Dimensions | Time Grains | DS Export |
Cancelled activity runs metrics Cancelled activity runs metrics |
ActivityCancelledRuns |
Count | Total (Sum) | ActivityType , PipelineName , FailureType , Name |
PT1M | Yes |
Failed activity runs metrics Failed activity runs metrics |
ActivityFailedRuns |
Count | Total (Sum) | ActivityType , PipelineName , FailureType , Name |
PT1M | Yes |
Succeeded activity runs metrics Succeeded activity runs metrics |
ActivitySucceededRuns |
Count | Total (Sum) | ActivityType , PipelineName , FailureType , Name |
PT1M | Yes |
Airflow Integration Runtime Celery Task Timeout Error Airflow Integration Runtime Celery Task Timeout Error |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeCeleryTaskTimeoutError |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Collect DB Dags Airflow Integration Runtime Collect DB Dags |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeCollectDBDags |
Milliseconds | Average | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Cpu Percentage Airflow Integration Runtime Cpu Percentage |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeCpuPercentage |
Percent | Average | IntegrationRuntimeName , ContainerName |
PT1M | Yes |
Airflow Integration Runtime Cpu Usage Airflow Integration Runtime Cpu Usage |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeCpuUsage |
Millicores | Average | IntegrationRuntimeName , ContainerName |
PT1M | Yes |
Airflow Integration Runtime Dag Bag Size Airflow Integration Runtime Dag Bag Size |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDagBagSize |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Dag Callback Exceptions Airflow Integration Runtime Dag Callback Exceptions |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDagCallbackExceptions |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime DAG File Refresh Error Airflow Integration Runtime DAG File Refresh Error |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDAGFileRefreshError |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Processing Import Errors Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Processing Import Errors |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDAGProcessingImportErrors |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Processing Last Duration Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Processing Last Duration |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDAGProcessingLastDuration |
Milliseconds | Average | IntegrationRuntimeName , DagFile |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Processing Last Run Seconds Ago Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Processing Last Run Seconds Ago |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDAGProcessingLastRunSecondsAgo |
Seconds | Average | IntegrationRuntimeName , DagFile |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime DAG ProcessingManager Stalls Airflow Integration Runtime DAG ProcessingManager Stalls |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDAGProcessingManagerStalls |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Processing Processes Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Processing Processes |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDAGProcessingProcesses |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Processing Processor Timeouts Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Processing Processor Timeouts |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDAGProcessingProcessorTimeouts |
Seconds | Average | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Processing Total Parse Time Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Processing Total Parse Time |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDAGProcessingTotalParseTime |
Seconds | Average | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Run Dependency Check Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Run Dependency Check |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDAGRunDependencyCheck |
Milliseconds | Average | IntegrationRuntimeName , DagId |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Run Duration Failed Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Run Duration Failed |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDAGRunDurationFailed |
Milliseconds | Average | IntegrationRuntimeName , DagId |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Run Duration Success Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Run Duration Success |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDAGRunDurationSuccess |
Milliseconds | Average | IntegrationRuntimeName , DagId |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Run First Task Scheduling Delay Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Run First Task Scheduling Delay |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDAGRunFirstTaskSchedulingDelay |
Milliseconds | Average | IntegrationRuntimeName , DagId |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Run Schedule Delay Airflow Integration Runtime DAG Run Schedule Delay |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeDAGRunScheduleDelay |
Milliseconds | Average | IntegrationRuntimeName , DagId |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Executor Open Slots Airflow Integration Runtime Executor Open Slots |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeExecutorOpenSlots |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Executor Queued Tasks Airflow Integration Runtime Executor Queued Tasks |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeExecutorQueuedTasks |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Executor Running Tasks Airflow Integration Runtime Executor Running Tasks |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeExecutorRunningTasks |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Job End Airflow Integration Runtime Job End |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeJobEnd |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName , Job |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Heartbeat Failure Airflow Integration Runtime Heartbeat Failure |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeJobHeartbeatFailure |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName , Job |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Job Start Airflow Integration Runtime Job Start |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeJobStart |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName , Job |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Memory Percentage Airflow Integration Runtime Memory Percentage |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeMemoryPercentage |
Percent | Average | IntegrationRuntimeName , ContainerName |
PT1M | Yes |
Airflow Integration Runtime Memory Usage Airflow Integration Runtime Memory Usage |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeMemoryUsage |
Bytes | Average | IntegrationRuntimeName , ContainerName |
PT1M | Yes |
Airflow Integration Runtime Node Count Airflow Integration Runtime Node Count |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeNodeCount |
Count | Average | IntegrationRuntimeName , ComputeNodeSize |
PT1M | Yes |
Airflow Integration Runtime Operator Failures Airflow Integration Runtime Operator Failures |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeOperatorFailures |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName , Operator |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Operator Successes Airflow Integration Runtime Operator Successes |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeOperatorSuccesses |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName , Operator |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Pool Open Slots Airflow Integration Runtime Pool Open Slots |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimePoolOpenSlots |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName , Pool |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Pool Queued Slots Airflow Integration Runtime Pool Queued Slots |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimePoolQueuedSlots |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName , Pool |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Pool Running Slots Airflow Integration Runtime Pool Running Slots |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimePoolRunningSlots |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName , Pool |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Pool Starving Tasks Airflow Integration Runtime Pool Starving Tasks |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimePoolStarvingTasks |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName , Pool |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Critical Section Busy Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Critical Section Busy |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeSchedulerCriticalSectionBusy |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Critical Section Duration Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Critical Section Duration |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeSchedulerCriticalSectionDuration |
Milliseconds | Average | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Failed SLA Email Attempts Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Failed SLA Email Attempts |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeSchedulerFailedSLAEmailAttempts |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Heartbeats Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Heartbeats |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeSchedulerHeartbeat |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Orphaned Tasks Adopted Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Orphaned Tasks Adopted |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeSchedulerOrphanedTasksAdopted |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Orphaned Tasks Cleared Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Orphaned Tasks Cleared |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeSchedulerOrphanedTasksCleared |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Tasks Executable Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Tasks Executable |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeSchedulerTasksExecutable |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Tasks Killed Externally Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Tasks Killed Externally |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeSchedulerTasksKilledExternally |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Tasks Running Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Tasks Running |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeSchedulerTasksRunning |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Tasks Starving Airflow Integration Runtime Scheduler Tasks Starving |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeSchedulerTasksStarving |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Started Task Instances Airflow Integration Runtime Started Task Instances |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeStartedTaskInstances |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName , DagId , TaskId |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Task Instance Created Using Operator Airflow Integration Runtime Task Instance Created Using Operator |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeTaskInstanceCreatedUsingOperator |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName , Operator |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Task Instance Duration Airflow Integration Runtime Task Instance Duration |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeTaskInstanceDuration |
Milliseconds | Average | IntegrationRuntimeName , DagId , TaskID |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Task Instance Failures Airflow Integration Runtime Task Instance Failures |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeTaskInstanceFailures |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Task Instance Finished Airflow Integration Runtime Task Instance Finished |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeTaskInstanceFinished |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName , DagId , TaskId , State |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Task Instance Previously Succeeded Airflow Integration Runtime Task Instance Previously Succeeded |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeTaskInstancePreviouslySucceeded |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Task Instance Successes Airflow Integration Runtime Task Instance Successes |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeTaskInstanceSuccesses |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Task Removed From DAG Airflow Integration Runtime Task Removed From DAG |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeTaskRemovedFromDAG |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName , DagId |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Task Restored To DAG Airflow Integration Runtime Task Restored To DAG |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeTaskRestoredToDAG |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName , DagId |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Triggers Blocked Main Thread Airflow Integration Runtime Triggers Blocked Main Thread |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeTriggersBlockedMainThread |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Triggers Failed Airflow Integration Runtime Triggers Failed |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeTriggersFailed |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Triggers Running Airflow Integration Runtime Triggers Running |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeTriggersRunning |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Triggers Succeeded Airflow Integration Runtime Triggers Succeeded |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeTriggersSucceeded |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Airflow Integration Runtime Zombie Tasks Killed Airflow Integration Runtime Zombie Tasks Killed |
AirflowIntegrationRuntimeZombiesKilled |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | No |
Total factory size (GB unit) Total factory size (GB unit) |
FactorySizeInGbUnits |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Integration runtime available memory Integration runtime available memory |
IntegrationRuntimeAvailableMemory |
Bytes | Average | IntegrationRuntimeName , NodeName |
PT1M | Yes |
Integration runtime available node count Integration runtime available node count |
IntegrationRuntimeAvailableNodeNumber |
Count | Average | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | Yes |
Integration runtime queue duration Integration runtime queue duration |
IntegrationRuntimeAverageTaskPickupDelay |
Seconds | Average | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | Yes |
Integration runtime CPU utilization Integration runtime CPU utilization |
IntegrationRuntimeCpuPercentage |
Percent | Average | IntegrationRuntimeName , NodeName |
PT1M | Yes |
Integration runtime queue length Integration runtime queue length |
IntegrationRuntimeQueueLength |
Count | Average | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | Yes |
Maximum allowed factory size (GB unit) Maximum allowed factory size (GB unit) |
MaxAllowedFactorySizeInGbUnits |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Maximum allowed entities count Maximum allowed entities count |
MaxAllowedResourceCount |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Copy available capacity percentage of MVNet integration runtime Copy available capacity percentage of MVNet integration runtime |
MVNetIRCopyAvailableCapacityPCT |
Percent | Maximum | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | Yes |
Copy capacity utilization of MVNet integration runtime Copy capacity utilization of MVNet integration runtime |
MVNetIRCopyCapacityUtilization |
Percent | Maximum | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | Yes |
Copy waiting queue length of MVNet integration runtime Copy waiting queue length of MVNet integration runtime |
MVNetIRCopyWaitingQueueLength |
Count | Average | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | Yes |
External available capacity percentage of MVNet integration runtime External available capacity percentage of MVNet integration runtime |
MVNetIRExternalAvailableCapacityPCT |
Percent | Maximum | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | Yes |
External capacity utilization of MVNet integration runtime External capacity utilization of MVNet integration runtime |
MVNetIRExternalCapacityUtilization |
Percent | Maximum | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | Yes |
External waiting queue length of MVNet integration runtime External waiting queue length of MVNet integration runtime |
MVNetIRExternalWaitingQueueLength |
Count | Average | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | Yes |
Pipeline available capacity percentage of MVNet integration runtime Pipeline available capacity percentage of MVNet integration runtime |
MVNetIRPipelineAvailableCapacityPCT |
Percent | Maximum | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | Yes |
Pipeline capacity utilization of MVNet integration runtime Pipeline capacity utilization of MVNet integration runtime |
MVNetIRPipelineCapacityUtilization |
Percent | Maximum | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | Yes |
Pipeline waiting queue length of MVNet integration runtime Pipeline waiting queue length of MVNet integration runtime |
MVNetIRPipelineWaitingQueueLength |
Count | Average | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | Yes |
Cancelled pipeline runs metrics Cancelled pipeline runs metrics |
PipelineCancelledRuns |
Count | Total (Sum) | FailureType , CancelledBy , Name |
PT1M | Yes |
Elapsed Time Pipeline Runs Metrics Elapsed Time Pipeline Runs Metrics |
PipelineElapsedTimeRuns |
Count | Total (Sum) | RunId , Name |
PT1M | Yes |
Failed pipeline runs metrics Failed pipeline runs metrics |
PipelineFailedRuns |
Count | Total (Sum) | FailureType , Name |
PT1M | Yes |
Succeeded pipeline runs metrics Succeeded pipeline runs metrics |
PipelineSucceededRuns |
Count | Total (Sum) | FailureType , Name |
PT1M | Yes |
Total entities count Total entities count |
ResourceCount |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cancelled SSIS integration runtime start metrics Cancelled SSIS integration runtime start metrics |
SSISIntegrationRuntimeStartCancel |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | Yes |
Failed SSIS integration runtime start metrics Failed SSIS integration runtime start metrics |
SSISIntegrationRuntimeStartFailed |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | Yes |
Succeeded SSIS integration runtime start metrics Succeeded SSIS integration runtime start metrics |
SSISIntegrationRuntimeStartSucceeded |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | Yes |
Stuck SSIS integration runtime stop metrics Stuck SSIS integration runtime stop metrics |
SSISIntegrationRuntimeStopStuck |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | Yes |
Succeeded SSIS integration runtime stop metrics Succeeded SSIS integration runtime stop metrics |
SSISIntegrationRuntimeStopSucceeded |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | Yes |
Cancelled SSIS package execution metrics Cancelled SSIS package execution metrics |
SSISPackageExecutionCancel |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | Yes |
Failed SSIS package execution metrics Failed SSIS package execution metrics |
SSISPackageExecutionFailed |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | Yes |
Succeeded SSIS package execution metrics Succeeded SSIS package execution metrics |
SSISPackageExecutionSucceeded |
Count | Total (Sum) | IntegrationRuntimeName |
PT1M | Yes |
Cancelled trigger runs metrics Cancelled trigger runs metrics |
TriggerCancelledRuns |
Count | Total (Sum) | Name , FailureType |
PT1M | Yes |
Failed trigger runs metrics Failed trigger runs metrics |
TriggerFailedRuns |
Count | Total (Sum) | Name , FailureType |
PT1M | Yes |
Succeeded trigger runs metrics Succeeded trigger runs metrics |
TriggerSucceededRuns |
Count | Total (Sum) | Name , FailureType |
PT1M | Yes |
Except for PipelineElapsedTimeRuns, only events from completed, triggered activity and pipeline runs are emitted. In-progress and debug runs aren't emitted. However, events from all SSIS package executions are emitted, including those that are completed and in progress, regardless of their invocation methods. For example, you can invoke package executions on Azure-enabled SQL Server Data Tools, via T-SQL on SQL Server Management Studio, SQL Server Agent, or other designated tools, and as triggered or debug runs of Execute SSIS Package activities in Data Factory pipelines.
Metric dimensions
For information about what metric dimensions are, see Multi-dimensional metrics.
This service has the following dimensions associated with its metrics.
- pipelineName
- activityName
- ActivityType
- PipelineName
- FailureType
- Name
- IntegrationRuntimeName
- ContainerName
- DagFile
- DagId
- ComputeNodeSize
- Job
- Operator
- Pool
- TaskId
- State
- NodeName
- CancelledBy
- RunId
Resource logs
This section lists the types of resource logs you can collect for this service. The section pulls from the list of all resource logs category types supported in Azure Monitor.
Supported resource logs for Microsoft.DataFactory/factories
Category | Category display name | Log table | Supports basic log plan | Supports ingestion-time transformation | Example queries | Costs to export |
ActivityRuns |
Pipeline activity runs log | ADFActivityRun | No | Yes | Queries | No |
AirflowDagProcessingLogs |
Airflow dag processing logs | AirflowDagProcessingLogs ADF Airflow dag processing logs |
No | Yes | Yes | |
AirflowSchedulerLogs |
Airflow scheduler logs | ADFAirflowSchedulerLogs ADF Airflow scheduler logs |
No | Yes | Yes | |
AirflowTaskLogs |
Airflow task execution logs | ADFAirflowTaskLogs ADF Airflow task logs |
No | Yes | Yes | |
AirflowWebLogs |
Airflow web logs | ADFAirflowWebLogs ADF Airflow web logs |
No | Yes | Yes | |
AirflowWorkerLogs |
Airflow worker logs | ADFAirflowWorkerLogs ADF Airflow worker logs |
No | Yes | Yes | |
PipelineRuns |
Pipeline runs log | ADFPipelineRun | No | Yes | Queries | No |
SandboxActivityRuns |
Sandbox Activity runs log | ADFSandboxActivityRun | No | Yes | Yes | |
SandboxPipelineRuns |
Sandbox Pipeline runs log | ADFSandboxPipelineRun | No | Yes | Yes | |
SSISIntegrationRuntimeLogs |
SSIS integration runtime logs | ADFSSISIntegrationRuntimeLogs ADF SSIS integration runtime logs |
No | Yes | No | |
SSISPackageEventMessageContext |
SSIS package event message context | ADFSSISPackageEventMessageContext ADF SSIS package execution event message context |
No | Yes | No | |
SSISPackageEventMessages |
SSIS package event messages | ADFSSISPackageEventMessages ADF SSIS package execution event messages |
No | Yes | No | |
SSISPackageExecutableStatistics |
SSIS package executable statistics | ADFSSISPackageExecutableStatistics ADF SSIS package execution executable statistics |
No | Yes | No | |
SSISPackageExecutionComponentPhases |
SSIS package execution component phases | ADFSSISPackageExecutionComponentPhases ADF SSIS package execution component phases |
No | Yes | No | |
SSISPackageExecutionDataStatistics |
SSIS package exeution data statistics | ADFSSISPackageExecutionDataStatistics ADF SSIS package execution data statistics |
No | Yes | No | |
TriggerRuns |
Trigger runs log | ADFTriggerRun | No | Yes | Queries | No |
Azure Monitor Logs tables
This section lists the Azure Monitor Logs tables relevant to this service, which are available for query by Log Analytics using Kusto queries. The tables contain resource log data and possibly more depending on what is collected and routed to them.
Data factories
- AzureActivity
- AzureMetrics
- AzureDiagnostics
- ADFActivityRun
- ADFPipelineRun
- ADFTriggerRun
- ADFSandboxActivityRun
- ADFSandboxPipelineRun
- ADFSSISIntegrationRuntimeLogs
- ADFSSISPackageEventMessageContext
- ADFSSISPackageEventMessages
- ADFSSISPackageExecutableStatistics
- ADFSSISPackageExecutionComponentPhases
- ADFSSISPackageExecutionDataStatistics
Monitor and Log Analytics schemas for logs and events
This section lists the attributes that the Azure Monitor and Log Analytics schemas use for monitoring logs and events.
Log Analytics inherits the schema from Azure Monitor with the following exceptions:
The first letter in each column name is capitalized. For example, the column name correlationId in Monitor is CorrelationId in Log Analytics.
There's no Level column.
The dynamic properties column is preserved as the following dynamic JSON blob type.
Azure Monitor column Log Analytics column Type $.properties.UserProperties UserProperties Dynamic $.properties.Annotations Annotations Dynamic $.properties.Input Input Dynamic $.properties.Output Output Dynamic $.properties.Error.errorCode ErrorCode int $.properties.Error.message ErrorMessage string $.properties.Error Error Dynamic $.properties.Predecessors Predecessors Dynamic $.properties.Parameters Parameters Dynamic $.properties.SystemParameters SystemParameters Dynamic $.properties.Tags Tags Dynamic
Activity-run log attributes
"Level": "",
"Input": "{
"source": {
"type": "BlobSource"
"sink": {
"type": "BlobSink"
"Output": "{"dataRead":121,"dataWritten":121,"copyDuration":5,
"Error": "{
"errorCode": "null",
"message": "null",
"failureType": "null",
"target": "CopyBlobtoBlob"
Property | Type | Description | Example |
Level | String | The level of the diagnostic logs. For activity-run logs, set the property value to 4. | 4 |
correlationId | String | The unique ID for tracking a particular request. | aaaa0000-bb11-2222-33cc-444444dddddd |
time | String | The time of the event in the timespan UTC format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.00000Z . |
2017-06-28T21:00:27.3534352Z |
activityRunId | String | The ID of the activity run. | 3a171e1f-b36e-4b80-8a54-5625394f4354 |
pipelineRunId | String | The ID of the pipeline run. | 9f6069d6-e522-4608-9f99-21807bfc3c70 |
resourceId | String | The ID associated with the data factory resource. | /SUBSCRIPTIONS/<subID>/RESOURCEGROUPS/<resourceGroupName>/PROVIDERS/MICROSOFT.DATAFACTORY/FACTORIES/<dataFactoryName> |
category | String | The category of the diagnostic logs. Set the property value to ActivityRuns . |
ActivityRuns |
level | String | The level of the diagnostic logs. Set the property value to Informational . |
Informational |
operationName | String | The name of the activity with its status. If the activity is the start heartbeat, the property value is MyActivity - . If the activity is the end heartbeat, the property value is MyActivity - Succeeded . |
MyActivity - Succeeded |
pipelineName | String | The name of the pipeline. | MyPipeline |
activityName | String | The name of the activity. | MyActivity |
start | String | The start time of the activity runs in timespan UTC format. | 2017-06-26T20:55:29.5007959Z |
end | String | The end time of the activity runs in timespan UTC format. If the diagnostic log shows that an activity has started but not yet ended, the property value is 1601-01-01T00:00:00Z . |
2017-06-26T20:55:29.5007959Z |
Pipeline-run log attributes
"Level": "",
"location": "",
"Parameters": {
"<parameter1Name>": "<parameter1Value>"
"SystemParameters": {
"ExecutionStart": "",
"TriggerId": "",
"SubscriptionId": ""
"Predecessors": [
"Name": "",
"Id": "",
"InvokedByType": ""
Property | Type | Description | Example |
Level | String | The level of the diagnostic logs. For activity-run logs, set the property value to 4. | 4 |
correlationId | String | The unique ID for tracking a particular request. | aaaa0000-bb11-2222-33cc-444444dddddd |
time | String | The time of the event in the timespan UTC format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.00000Z . |
2017-06-28T21:00:27.3534352Z |
runId | String | The ID of the pipeline run. | 9f6069d6-e522-4608-9f99-21807bfc3c70 |
resourceId | String | The ID associated with the data factory resource. | /SUBSCRIPTIONS/<subID>/RESOURCEGROUPS/<resourceGroupName>/PROVIDERS/MICROSOFT.DATAFACTORY/FACTORIES/<dataFactoryName> |
category | String | The category of the diagnostic logs. Set the property value to PipelineRuns . |
PipelineRuns |
level | String | The level of the diagnostic logs. Set the property value to Informational . |
Informational |
operationName | String | The name of the pipeline along with its status. After the pipeline run is finished, the property value is Pipeline - Succeeded . |
MyPipeline - Succeeded . |
pipelineName | String | The name of the pipeline. | MyPipeline |
start | String | The start time of the activity runs in timespan UTC format. | 2017-06-26T20:55:29.5007959Z . |
end | String | The end time of the activity runs in timespan UTC format. If the diagnostic log shows an activity has started but not yet ended, the property value is 1601-01-01T00:00:00Z . |
2017-06-26T20:55:29.5007959Z |
status | String | The final status of the pipeline run. Possible property values are Succeeded and Failed . |
Succeeded |
location | String | The Azure region of the pipeline run. | eastasia |
predecessors | String | The calling object of the pipeline along with ID. | Manual |
Trigger-run log attributes
"Level": "",
"Parameters": {
"TriggerTime": "",
"ScheduleTime": ""
"SystemParameters": {}
Property | Type | Description | Example |
Level | String | The level of the diagnostic logs. For activity-run logs, set the property value to 4. | 4 |
correlationId | String | The unique ID for tracking a particular request. | aaaa0000-bb11-2222-33cc-444444dddddd |
time | String | The time of the event in the timespan UTC format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.00000Z . |
2017-06-28T21:00:27.3534352Z |
triggerId | String | The ID of the trigger run. | 08587023010602533858661257311 |
resourceId | String | The ID associated with the data factory resource. | /SUBSCRIPTIONS/<subID>/RESOURCEGROUPS/<resourceGroupName>/PROVIDERS/MICROSOFT.DATAFACTORY/FACTORIES/<dataFactoryName> |
category | String | The category of the diagnostic logs. Set the property value to PipelineRuns . |
PipelineRuns |
level | String | The level of the diagnostic logs. Set the property value to Informational . |
Informational |
operationName | String | The name of the trigger with its final status, which indicates whether the trigger successfully fired. If the heartbeat was successful, the property value is MyTrigger - Succeeded . |
MyTrigger - Succeeded |
triggerName | String | The name of the trigger. | MyTrigger |
triggerType | String | The type of the trigger. Possible property values are Manual Trigger and Schedule Trigger . |
ScheduleTrigger |
triggerEvent | String | The event of the trigger. | ScheduleTime - 2017-07-06T01:50:25Z |
start | String | The start time of the trigger firing in timespan UTC format. | 2017-06-26T20:55:29.5007959Z |
status | String | The final status showing whether the trigger successfully fired. Possible property values are Succeeded and Failed . |
Succeeded |
SSIS integration runtime log attributes
Here are the log attributes of SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) integration runtime (IR) start, stop, and maintenance operations.
"time": "",
"operationName": "",
"category": "",
"correlationId": "",
"dataFactoryName": "",
"integrationRuntimeName": "",
"level": "",
"resultType": "",
"properties": {
"message": ""
"resourceId": ""
Property | Type | Description | Example |
time | String | The time of event in UTC format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.00000Z |
2017-06-28T21:00:27.3534352Z |
operationName | String | The name of your SSIS IR operation | Start/Stop/Maintenance/Heartbeat |
category | String | The category of diagnostic logs | SSISIntegrationRuntimeLogs |
correlationId | String | The unique ID for tracking a particular operation | f13b159b-515f-4885-9dfa-a664e949f785Deprovision0059035558 |
dataFactoryName | String | The name of your data factory | MyADFv2 |
integrationRuntimeName | String | The name of your SSIS IR | MySSISIR |
level | String | The level of diagnostic logs | Informational |
resultType | String | The result of your SSIS IR operation | Started/InProgress/Succeeded/Failed/Healthy/Unhealthy |
message | String | The output message of your SSIS IR operation | The stopping of your SSIS integration runtime has succeeded. |
resourceId | String | The unique ID of your data factory resource | /SUBSCRIPTIONS/<subscriptionID>/RESOURCEGROUPS/<resourceGroupName>/PROVIDERS/MICROSOFT.DATAFACTORY/FACTORIES/<dataFactoryName> |
SSIS event message context log attributes
Here are the log attributes of conditions related to event messages that are generated by SSIS package executions on your SSIS IR. They convey similar information as an SSIS catalog (SSISDB) event message context table or view that shows runtime values of many SSIS package properties. They're generated when you select Basic/Verbose
logging level and useful for debugging or compliance checking.
"time": "",
"operationName": "",
"category": "",
"correlationId": "",
"dataFactoryName": "",
"integrationRuntimeName": "",
"level": "",
"properties": {
"operationId": "",
"contextDepth": "",
"packagePath": "",
"contextType": "",
"contextSourceName": "",
"contextSourceId": "",
"propertyName": "",
"propertyValue": ""
"resourceId": ""
Property | Type | Description | Example |
time | String | The time of event in UTC format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.00000Z |
2017-06-28T21:00:27.3534352Z |
operationName | String | Set to YourSSISIRName-SSISPackageEventMessageContext |
mysqlmissisir-SSISPackageEventMessageContext |
category | String | The category of diagnostic logs | SSISPackageEventMessageContext |
correlationId | String | The unique ID for tracking a particular operation | bbbb1111-cc22-3333-44dd-555555eeeeee |
dataFactoryName | String | The name of your data factory | MyADFv2 |
integrationRuntimeName | String | The name of your SSIS IR | MySSISIR |
level | String | The level of diagnostic logs | Informational |
operationId | String | The unique ID for tracking a particular operation in SSISDB | 1 (1 signifies operations related to packages not stored in SSISDB/invoked via T-SQL.) |
contextDepth | String | The depth of your event message context | 0 (0 signifies the context before package execution starts, 1 signifies the context when an error occurs, and it increases as the context is further from the error.) |
packagePath | String | The path of package object as your event message context source | \Package |
contextType | String | The type of package object as your event message context source | 60 (See more context types.) |
contextSourceName | String | The name of package object as your event message context source | MyPackage |
contextSourceId | String | The unique ID of package object as your event message context source | {E2CF27FB-EA48-41E9-AF6F-3FE938B4ADE1} |
propertyName | String | The name of package property for your event message context source | DelayValidation |
propertyValue | String | The value of package property for your event message context source | False |
resourceId | String | The unique ID of your data factory resource | /SUBSCRIPTIONS/<subscriptionID>/RESOURCEGROUPS/<resourceGroupName>/PROVIDERS/MICROSOFT.DATAFACTORY/FACTORIES/<dataFactoryName> |
SSIS event messages log attributes
Here are the log attributes of event messages that are generated by SSIS package executions on your SSIS IR. They convey similar information as an SSISDB event messages table or view that shows the detailed text or metadata of event messages. They're generated at any logging level except None
"time": "",
"operationName": "",
"category": "",
"correlationId": "",
"dataFactoryName": "",
"integrationRuntimeName": "",
"level": "",
"properties": {
"operationId": "",
"messageTime": "",
"messageType": "",
"messageSourceType": "",
"message": "",
"packageName": "",
"eventName": "",
"messageSourceName": "",
"messageSourceId": "",
"subcomponentName": "",
"packagePath": "",
"executionPath": "",
"threadId": ""
Property | Type | Description | Example |
time | String | The time of event in UTC format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.00000Z |
2017-06-28T21:00:27.3534352Z |
operationName | String | Set to YourSSISIRName-SSISPackageEventMessages |
mysqlmissisir-SSISPackageEventMessages |
category | String | The category of diagnostic logs | SSISPackageEventMessages |
correlationId | String | The unique ID for tracking a particular operation | bbbb1111-cc22-3333-44dd-555555eeeeee |
dataFactoryName | String | The name of your data factory | MyADFv2 |
integrationRuntimeName | String | The name of your SSIS IR | MySSISIR |
level | String | The level of diagnostic logs | Informational |
operationId | String | The unique ID for tracking a particular operation in SSISDB | 1 (1 signifies operations related to packages not stored in SSISDB/invoked via T-SQL.) |
messageTime | String | The time when your event message is created in UTC format | 2017-06-28T21:00:27.3534352Z |
messageType | String | The type of your event message | 70 (See more message types.) |
messageSourceType | String | The type of your event message source | 20 (See more message source types.) |
message | String | The text of your event message | MyPackage:Validation has started. |
packageName | String | The name of your executed package file | MyPackage.dtsx |
eventName | String | The name of related run-time event | OnPreValidate |
messageSourceName | String | The name of package component as your event message source | Data Flow Task |
messageSourceId | String | The unique ID of package component as your event message source | {1a45a5a4-3df9-4f02-b818-ebf583829ad2} |
subcomponentName | String | The name of data flow component as your event message source | SSIS.Pipeline |
packagePath | String | The path of package object as your event message source | \Package\Data Flow Task |
executionPath | String | The full path from parent package to executed component | \Transformation\Data Flow Task (This path also captures component iterations.) |
threadId | String | The unique ID of thread executed when your event message is logged | {1a45a5a4-3df9-4f02-b818-ebf583829ad2} |
SSIS executable statistics log attributes
Here are the log attributes of executable statistics that are generated by SSIS package executions on your SSIS IR, where executables are containers or tasks in the control flow of packages. They convey similar information as an SSISDB executable statistics table or view that shows a row for each running executable, including its iterations. They're generated at any logging level except None
and useful for identifying task-level bottlenecks or failures.
"time": "",
"operationName": "",
"category": "",
"correlationId": "",
"dataFactoryName": "",
"integrationRuntimeName": "",
"level": "",
"properties": {
"executionId": "",
"executionPath": "",
"startTime": "",
"endTime": "",
"executionDuration": "",
"executionResult": "",
"executionValue": ""
"resourceId": ""
Property | Type | Description | Example |
time | String | The time of event in UTC format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.00000Z |
2017-06-28T21:00:27.3534352Z |
operationName | String | Set to YourSSISIRName-SSISPackageExecutableStatistics |
mysqlmissisir-SSISPackageExecutableStatistics |
category | String | The category of diagnostic logs | SSISPackageExecutableStatistics |
correlationId | String | The unique ID for tracking a particular operation | bbbb1111-cc22-3333-44dd-555555eeeeee |
dataFactoryName | String | The name of your data factory | MyADFv2 |
integrationRuntimeName | String | The name of your SSIS IR | MySSISIR |
level | String | The level of diagnostic logs | Informational |
executionId | String | The unique ID for tracking a particular execution in SSISDB | 1 (1 signifies executions related to packages not stored in SSISDB/invoked via T-SQL.) |
executionPath | String | The full path from parent package to executed component | \Transformation\Data Flow Task (This path also captures component iterations.) |
startTime | String | The time when executable enters pre-execute phase in UTC format | 2017-06-28T21:00:27.3534352Z |
endTime | String | The time when executable enters post-execute phase in UTC format | 2017-06-28T21:00:27.3534352Z |
executionDuration | String | The running time of executable in milliseconds | 1,125 |
executionResult | String | The result of running executable | 0 (0 signifies success, 1 signifies failure, 2 signifies completion, and 3 signifies cancellation.) |
executionValue | String | The user-defined value returned by running executable | 1 |
resourceId | String | The unique ID of your data factory resource | /SUBSCRIPTIONS/<subscriptionID>/RESOURCEGROUPS/<resourceGroupName>/PROVIDERS/MICROSOFT.DATAFACTORY/FACTORIES/<dataFactoryName> |
SSIS execution component phases log attributes
Here are the log attributes of runtime statistics for data flow components that are generated by SSIS package executions on your SSIS IR. They convey similar information as an SSISDB execution component phases table or view that shows the time spent by data flow components in all their execution phases. They're generated when you select Performance/Verbose
logging level and useful for capturing data flow execution statistics.
"time": "",
"operationName": "",
"category": "",
"correlationId": "",
"dataFactoryName": "",
"integrationRuntimeName": "",
"level": "",
"properties": {
"executionId": "",
"packageName": "",
"taskName": "",
"subcomponentName": "",
"phase": "",
"startTime": "",
"endTime": "",
"executionPath": ""
"resourceId": ""
Property | Type | Description | Example |
time | String | The time of event in UTC format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.00000Z |
2017-06-28T21:00:27.3534352Z |
operationName | String | Set to YourSSISIRName-SSISPackageExecutionComponentPhases |
mysqlmissisir-SSISPackageExecutionComponentPhases |
category | String | The category of diagnostic logs | SSISPackageExecutionComponentPhases |
correlationId | String | The unique ID for tracking a particular operation | bbbb1111-cc22-3333-44dd-555555eeeeee |
dataFactoryName | String | The name of your data factory | MyADFv2 |
integrationRuntimeName | String | The name of your SSIS IR | MySSISIR |
level | String | The level of diagnostic logs | Informational |
executionId | String | The unique ID for tracking a particular execution in SSISDB | 1 (1 signifies executions related to packages not stored in SSISDB/invoked via T-SQL.) |
packageName | String | The name of your executed package file | MyPackage.dtsx |
taskName | String | The name of executed data flow task | Data Flow Task |
subcomponentName | String | The name of data flow component | Derived Column |
phase | String | The name of execution phase | AcquireConnections |
startTime | String | The time when execution phase starts in UTC format | 2017-06-28T21:00:27.3534352Z |
endTime | String | The time when execution phase ends in UTC format | 2017-06-28T21:00:27.3534352Z |
executionPath | String | The path of execution for data flow task | \Transformation\Data Flow Task |
resourceId | String | The unique ID of your data factory resource | /SUBSCRIPTIONS/<subscriptionID>/RESOURCEGROUPS/<resourceGroupName>/PROVIDERS/MICROSOFT.DATAFACTORY/FACTORIES/<dataFactoryName> |
SSIS execution data statistics log attributes
Here are the log attributes of data movements through each leg of data flow pipelines, from upstream to downstream components, that are generated by SSIS package executions on your SSIS IR. They convey similar information as an SSISDB execution data statistics table or view that shows row counts of data moved through data flow tasks. They're generated when you select Verbose
logging level and useful for computing data flow throughput.
"time": "",
"operationName": "",
"category": "",
"correlationId": "",
"dataFactoryName": "",
"integrationRuntimeName": "",
"level": "",
"properties": {
"executionId": "",
"packageName": "",
"taskName": "",
"dataflowPathIdString": "",
"dataflowPathName": "",
"sourceComponentName": "",
"destinationComponentName": "",
"rowsSent": "",
"createdTime": "",
"executionPath": ""
"resourceId": ""
Property | Type | Description | Example |
time | String | The time of event in UTC format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.00000Z |
2017-06-28T21:00:27.3534352Z |
operationName | String | Set to YourSSISIRName-SSISPackageExecutionDataStatistics |
mysqlmissisir-SSISPackageExecutionDataStatistics |
category | String | The category of diagnostic logs | SSISPackageExecutionDataStatistics |
correlationId | String | The unique ID for tracking a particular operation | bbbb1111-cc22-3333-44dd-555555eeeeee |
dataFactoryName | String | The name of your data factory | MyADFv2 |
integrationRuntimeName | String | The name of your SSIS IR | MySSISIR |
level | String | The level of diagnostic logs | Informational |
executionId | String | The unique ID for tracking a particular execution in SSISDB | 1 (1 signifies executions related to packages not stored in SSISDB/invoked via T-SQL.) |
packageName | String | The name of your executed package file | MyPackage.dtsx |
taskName | String | The name of executed data flow task | Data Flow Task |
dataflowPathIdString | String | The unique ID for tracking data flow path | Paths[SQLDB Table3.ADO NET Source Output] |
dataflowPathName | String | The name of data flow path | ADO NET Source Output |
sourceComponentName | String | The name of data flow component that sends data | SQLDB Table3 |
destinationComponentName | String | The name of data flow component that receives data | Derived Column |
rowsSent | String | The number of rows sent by source component | 500 |
createdTime | String | The time when row values are obtained in UTC format | 2017-06-28T21:00:27.3534352Z |
executionPath | String | The path of execution for data flow task | \Transformation\Data Flow Task |
resourceId | String | The unique ID of your data factory resource | /SUBSCRIPTIONS/<subscriptionID>/RESOURCEGROUPS/<resourceGroupName>/PROVIDERS/MICROSOFT.DATAFACTORY/FACTORIES/<dataFactoryName> |
Activity log
The linked table lists the operations that may be recorded in the activity log for this service. This is a subset of all the possible resource provider operations in the activity log.
For more information on the schema of activity log entries, see Activity Log schema.