cosmosdb_sql_request plugin

Applies to: ✅ Azure Data ExplorerAzure MonitorMicrosoft Sentinel

The cosmosdb_sql_request plugin sends a SQL query to an Azure Cosmos DB SQL network endpoint and returns the results of the query. This plugin is primarily designed for querying small datasets, for example, enriching data with reference data stored in Azure Cosmos DB. The plugin is invoked with the evaluate operator.


evaluate cosmosdb_sql_request ( ConnectionString , SqlQuery [, SqlParameters [, Options]] ) [: OutputSchema]

Learn more about syntax conventions.


Name Type Required Description
ConnectionString string ✔️ The connection string that points to the Azure Cosmos DB collection to query. It must include AccountEndpoint, Database, and Collection. It might include AccountKey if a master key is used for authentication. For more information, see Authentication and authorization.
Example: 'AccountEndpoint=;Database=<MyDatabase>;Collection=<MyCollection>;AccountKey='h'<AccountKey>'
SqlQuery string ✔️ The query to execute.
SqlParameters dynamic The property bag object to pass as parameters along with the query. Parameter names must begin with @.
OutputSchema The names and types of the expected columns of the cosmosdb_sql_request plugin output. Use the following syntax: ( ColumnName : ColumnType [, ...] ). Specifying this parameter enables multiple query optimizations.
Options dynamic A property bag object of advanced settings. If an AccountKey isn't provided in the ConnectionString, then the armResourceId field of this parameter is required. For more information, see Supported options.

Supported options

The following table describes the supported fields of the Options parameter.

Name Type Description
armResourceId string The Azure Resource Manager resource ID of the Cosmos DB database. If an account key isn't provided in the connection string argument, this field is required. In such a case, the armResourceId is used to authenticate to Cosmos DB.
Example: armResourceId='/subscriptions/<SubscriptionId>/resourceGroups/<ResourceGroup>/providers/Microsoft.DocumentDb/databaseAccounts/<DatabaseAccount>'
token string A Microsoft Entra access token of a principal with access to the Cosmos DB database. This token is used along with the armResourceId to authenticate with the Azure Resource Manager. If unspecified, the token of the principal that made the query is used.

If armResourceId isn't specified, the token is used directly to access the Cosmos DB database. For more information about the token authentication method, see Authentication and authorization.
preferredLocations string The region from which to query the data.
Example: ['China East 2']

Authentication and authorization

To authorize to an Azure Cosmos DB SQL network endpoint, you need to specify the authorization information. The following table provides the supported authentication methods and the description for how to use that method.

Authentication method Description
Managed identity (Recommended) Append Authentication="Active Directory Managed Identity";User Id={object_id}; to the connection string. The request is made on behalf of a managed identity which must have the appropriate permissions to the database.
To enable managed identity authentication, you must add the managed identity to your cluster and alter the managed identity policy. For more information, see Managed Identity policy.
Azure Resource Manager resource ID This authentication method requires specifying the armResourceId and optionally the token in the options. The armResourceId identifies the Cosmos DB database account, and the token must be a valid Microsoft Entra bearer token for a principal with access permissions to the Cosmos DB database. If no token is provided, the Microsoft Entra token of the requesting principal will be used for authentication.
Account key You can add the account key directly to the ConnectionString argument. However, this approach is less secure as it involves including the secret in the query text, and is less resilient to future changes in the account key. To enhance security, hide the secret as an obfuscated string literal.
Token You can add a token value in the plugin options. The token must belong to a principal with relevant permissions. To enhance security, hide the token as an obfuscated string literal.

Set callout policy

The plugin makes callouts to the Azure Cosmos DB instance. Make sure that the cluster's callout policy enables calls of type cosmosdb to the target CosmosDbUri.

The following example shows how to define the callout policy for Azure Cosmos DB. It's recommended to restrict it to specific endpoints (my_endpoint1, my_endpoint2).

    "CalloutType": "CosmosDB",
    "CalloutUriRegex": "my_endpoint1\\.documents\\.chinacloudapi\\.cn",
    "CanCall": true
    "CalloutType": "CosmosDB",
    "CalloutUriRegex": "my_endpoint2\\.documents\\.chinacloudapi\\.cn",
    "CanCall": true

The following example shows an alter callout policy command for cosmosdb CalloutType

.alter cluster policy callout @'[{"CalloutType": "cosmosdb", "CalloutUriRegex": "\\.documents\\.chinacloudapi\\.cn", "CanCall": true}]'


The following examples use placeholder text, in brackets.

Query Azure Cosmos DB with a query-defined output schema

The following example uses the cosmosdb_sql_request plugin to send a SQL query while selecting only specific columns. This query uses explicit schema definitions that allow various optimizations before the actual query is run against Cosmos DB.

evaluate cosmosdb_sql_request(
  'SELECT c.Id, c.Name from c') : (Id:long, Name:string) 

Query Azure Cosmos DB

The following example uses the cosmosdb_sql_request plugin to send a SQL query to fetch data from Azure Cosmos DB using its Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL.

evaluate cosmosdb_sql_request(
  'SELECT * from c') // OutputSchema is unknown, so it is not specified. This may harm the performance of the query.

Query Azure Cosmos DB with parameters

The following example uses SQL query parameters and queries the data from an alternate region.

evaluate cosmosdb_sql_request(
    "SELECT, c.lastName, @param0 as Column0 FROM c WHERE c.dob >= '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z'",
    dynamic({'@param0': datetime(2019-04-16 16:47:26.7423305)}),
    dynamic({'preferredLocations': ['China East 2']})) : (Id:long, Name:string, Column0: datetime) 
| where lastName == 'Smith'

Query Azure Cosmos DB and join data with a database table

The following example joins partner data from an Azure Cosmos DB with partner data in a database using the Partner field. It results in a list of partners with their phone numbers, website, and contact email address sorted by partner name.

evaluate cosmosdb_sql_request(
    "SELECT, c.Partner, c. phoneNumber FROM c') : (Id:long, Partner:string, phoneNumber:string) 
| join kind=innerunique Partner on Partner
| project id, Partner, phoneNumber, website, Contact
| sort by Partner

Query Azure Cosmos DB using token authentication

The following example joins partner data from an Azure Cosmos DB with partner data in a database using the Partner field. It results in a list of partners with their phone numbers, website, and contact email address sorted by partner name.

evaluate cosmosdb_sql_request(
    "SELECT c.Id, c.Name, c.City FROM c",
    dynamic({'token': h'abc123...'})
) : (Id:long, Name:string, City:string)

Query Azure Cosmos DB using Azure Resource Manager resource ID for authentication

The following example uses the Azure Resource Manager resource ID for authentication and the Microsoft Entra token of the requesting principal, since a token isn't specified. It sends a SQL query while selecting only specific columns and specifies explicit schema definitions.

evaluate cosmosdb_sql_request(
    "SELECT c.Id, c.Name, c.City FROM c",
    dynamic({'armResourceId': '/subscriptions/<SubscriptionId>/resourceGroups/<ResourceGroup>/providers/Microsoft.DocumentDb/databaseAccounts/<DatabaseAccount>'})
) : (Id:long, Name:string, City:string)