Micrometer metrics for Java
The Java SDK for Azure Cosmos DB implements client metrics using Micrometer for instrumentation in popular observability systems like Prometheus. This article includes instructions and code snippets for scraping metrics into Prometheus, taken from this sample. The full list of metrics provided by the SDK is documented here.
Consume metrics from Prometheus
You can download prometheus from here. To consume Micrometer metrics in the Java SDK for Azure Cosmos DB using Prometheus, first ensure you have imported the required libraries for registry and client:
In your application, provide the prometheus registry to the telemetry config. Notice that you can set various diagnostic thresholds, which will help to limit metrics consumed to the ones you are most interested in:
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
package com.azure.cosmos.examples.prometheus.async;
import com.azure.cosmos.*;
import com.azure.cosmos.examples.common.AccountSettings;
import com.azure.cosmos.examples.common.Family;
import com.azure.cosmos.models.*;
import com.azure.cosmos.util.CosmosPagedFlux;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpServer;
import io.micrometer.prometheus.PrometheusConfig;
import io.micrometer.prometheus.PrometheusMeterRegistry;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import static com.azure.cosmos.examples.common.Profile.generateDocs;
public class CosmosClientMetricsQuickStartAsync {
private CosmosAsyncClient client;
private final String databaseName = "ClientMetricsPrometheusDB";
private final String containerName = "Container";
private CosmosAsyncDatabase database;
private CosmosAsyncContainer container;
private static AtomicInteger number_docs_inserted = new AtomicInteger(0);
private static AtomicInteger write_request_count = new AtomicInteger(0);
private static AtomicInteger read_request_count = new AtomicInteger(0);
public static final int NUMBER_OF_DOCS = 5000;
public ArrayList<JsonNode> docs;
private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CosmosClientMetricsQuickStartAsync.class);
public void close() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
CosmosClientMetricsQuickStartAsync quickStart = new CosmosClientMetricsQuickStartAsync();
try {
logger.info("Starting ASYNC main");
logger.info("Demo complete, please hold while resources are released");
} finally {
logger.info("Shutting down");
private void clientMetricsPrometheusDemo() {
logger.info("Using Azure Cosmos DB endpoint: {}", AccountSettings.HOST);
// <ClientMetricsConfig>
//prometheus meter registry
PrometheusMeterRegistry prometheusRegistry = new PrometheusMeterRegistry(PrometheusConfig.DEFAULT);
//provide the prometheus registry to the telemetry config
CosmosClientTelemetryConfig telemetryConfig = new CosmosClientTelemetryConfig()
new CosmosDiagnosticsThresholds()
// Any requests that violate (are lower than) any of the below thresholds that are set
// will not appear in "request-level" metrics (those with "rntbd" or "gw" in their name).
// The "operation-level" metrics (those with "ops" in their name) will still be collected.
// Use this to reduce noise in the amount of metrics collected.
// Uncomment below to apply sampling to help further tune client-side resource consumption related to metrics.
// The sampling rate can be modified after Azure Cosmos DB Client initialization – so the sampling rate can be
// modified without any restarts being necessary.
.metricsOptions(new CosmosMicrometerMetricsOptions().meterRegistry(prometheusRegistry)
// </ClientMetricsConfig>
// Start local HttpServer server to expose the meter registry metrics to Prometheus.
// When adding this endpoint to prometheus.yml, add the domain name and port to "targets".
// For example, if prometheus is running on the same server as this app, you can add localhost:8080:
// - targets: ["localhost:9090", "localhost:8080"]
// download and install prometheus from here: https://prometheus.io/download/
// <PrometheusTargetServer>
try {
HttpServer server = HttpServer.create(new InetSocketAddress(8080), 0);
server.createContext("/metrics", httpExchange -> {
String response = prometheusRegistry.scrape();
int i = 1;
httpExchange.sendResponseHeaders(200, response.getBytes().length);
try (OutputStream os = httpExchange.getResponseBody()) {
new Thread(server::start).start();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// </PrometheusTargetServer>
// <CosmosClient>
// Create async client
client = new CosmosClientBuilder()
.consistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel.SESSION) //make sure we can read our own writes
// </CosmosClient>
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
docs = generateDocs(NUMBER_OF_DOCS);
// None of the rntbd / request-level metrics for point operations will show as they violate one the thresholds set (minimum 10 RUs).
// The rntbd / request-level metrics for the below query will show as it exceeds 10 RUs.
// If you comment out the below, no rntbd / request-level metrics at all will be collected due to the thresholds set.
// Database create
private void createDatabaseIfNotExists() throws Exception {
logger.info("Creating database {} if not exists", databaseName);
// Create database if not exists
Mono<CosmosDatabaseResponse> databaseResponseMono = client.createDatabaseIfNotExists(databaseName);
CosmosDatabaseResponse cosmosDatabaseResponse = databaseResponseMono.block();
CosmosDiagnostics diagnostics = cosmosDatabaseResponse.getDiagnostics();
logger.info("Create database diagnostics : {}", diagnostics);
database = client.getDatabase(cosmosDatabaseResponse.getProperties().getId());
// Container create
private void createContainerIfNotExists() throws Exception {
logger.info("Creating container {} if not exists", containerName);
// Create container if not exists
CosmosContainerProperties containerProperties =
new CosmosContainerProperties(containerName, "/id");
// Provision throughput
ThroughputProperties throughputProperties = ThroughputProperties.createManualThroughput(10000);
// Create container
Mono<CosmosContainerResponse> containerResponseMono = database.createContainerIfNotExists(containerProperties,
CosmosContainerResponse cosmosContainerResponse = containerResponseMono.block();
CosmosDiagnostics diagnostics = cosmosContainerResponse.getDiagnostics();
logger.info("Create container diagnostics : {}", diagnostics);
container = database.getContainer(cosmosContainerResponse.getProperties().getId());
private void createManyDocuments() {
Flux.fromIterable(docs).flatMap(doc -> container.createItem(doc)
.flatMap(itemResponse -> {
if (itemResponse.getStatusCode() == 201) {
} else
logger.info("WARNING insert status code {} != 201" + itemResponse.getStatusCode());
return Mono.empty();
.onErrorContinue((throwable, o) -> {
"Exception in create docs. e: {}", throwable.getMessage(), throwable
logger.info("Number of successful write requests: " + write_request_count);
private void readManyDocuments() {
// collect the ids that were generated when writing the data.
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
for (final JsonNode doc : docs) {
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
.flatMap(id -> container.readItem(id, new PartitionKey(id), JsonNode.class))
.flatMap(itemResponse -> {
if (itemResponse.getStatusCode() == 200) {
} else
logger.info("WARNING insert status code {} != 200" + itemResponse.getStatusCode());
return Mono.empty();
.onErrorContinue((throwable, o) -> {
"Exception in create docs. e: {}", throwable.getMessage(), throwable
logger.info("Number of successful read requests: " + read_request_count);
private void queryAllDocuments() {
int preferredPageSize = number_docs_inserted.get(); // We'll use this later
CosmosQueryRequestOptions queryOptions = new CosmosQueryRequestOptions();
// Set populate query metrics to get metrics around query executions
CosmosPagedFlux<Family> pagedFluxResponse = container.queryItems(
"SELECT * FROM c", queryOptions, Family.class);
try {
pagedFluxResponse.byPage(preferredPageSize).flatMap(fluxResponse -> {
logger.info("Got a page of query result with " +
fluxResponse.getResults().size() + " items(s)"
+ " and request charge of " + fluxResponse.getRequestCharge());
return Flux.empty();
} catch(Exception err) {
if (err instanceof CosmosException) {
//Client-specific errors
CosmosException cerr = (CosmosException) err;
logger.error(String.format("Query failed with %s\n", cerr));
} else {
//General errors
// Database delete
private void deleteDatabase() throws Exception {
logger.info("Last step: delete database {} by ID", databaseName);
// Delete database
CosmosDatabaseResponse dbResp =
client.getDatabase(databaseName).delete(new CosmosDatabaseRequestOptions()).block();
logger.info("Status code for database delete: {}", dbResp.getStatusCode());
// Cleanup before close
private void shutdown() {
try {
//Clean shutdown
} catch (Exception err) {
logger.error("Deleting Cosmos DB resources failed, will still attempt to close the client", err);
logger.info("Done with sample.");
Start local HttpServer server to expose the meter registry metrics to Prometheus:
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
package com.azure.cosmos.examples.prometheus.async;
import com.azure.cosmos.*;
import com.azure.cosmos.examples.common.AccountSettings;
import com.azure.cosmos.examples.common.Family;
import com.azure.cosmos.models.*;
import com.azure.cosmos.util.CosmosPagedFlux;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpServer;
import io.micrometer.prometheus.PrometheusConfig;
import io.micrometer.prometheus.PrometheusMeterRegistry;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import static com.azure.cosmos.examples.common.Profile.generateDocs;
public class CosmosClientMetricsQuickStartAsync {
private CosmosAsyncClient client;
private final String databaseName = "ClientMetricsPrometheusDB";
private final String containerName = "Container";
private CosmosAsyncDatabase database;
private CosmosAsyncContainer container;
private static AtomicInteger number_docs_inserted = new AtomicInteger(0);
private static AtomicInteger write_request_count = new AtomicInteger(0);
private static AtomicInteger read_request_count = new AtomicInteger(0);
public static final int NUMBER_OF_DOCS = 5000;
public ArrayList<JsonNode> docs;
private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CosmosClientMetricsQuickStartAsync.class);
public void close() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
CosmosClientMetricsQuickStartAsync quickStart = new CosmosClientMetricsQuickStartAsync();
try {
logger.info("Starting ASYNC main");
logger.info("Demo complete, please hold while resources are released");
} finally {
logger.info("Shutting down");
private void clientMetricsPrometheusDemo() {
logger.info("Using Azure Cosmos DB endpoint: {}", AccountSettings.HOST);
// <ClientMetricsConfig>
//prometheus meter registry
PrometheusMeterRegistry prometheusRegistry = new PrometheusMeterRegistry(PrometheusConfig.DEFAULT);
//provide the prometheus registry to the telemetry config
CosmosClientTelemetryConfig telemetryConfig = new CosmosClientTelemetryConfig()
new CosmosDiagnosticsThresholds()
// Any requests that violate (are lower than) any of the below thresholds that are set
// will not appear in "request-level" metrics (those with "rntbd" or "gw" in their name).
// The "operation-level" metrics (those with "ops" in their name) will still be collected.
// Use this to reduce noise in the amount of metrics collected.
// Uncomment below to apply sampling to help further tune client-side resource consumption related to metrics.
// The sampling rate can be modified after Azure Cosmos DB Client initialization – so the sampling rate can be
// modified without any restarts being necessary.
.metricsOptions(new CosmosMicrometerMetricsOptions().meterRegistry(prometheusRegistry)
// </ClientMetricsConfig>
// Start local HttpServer server to expose the meter registry metrics to Prometheus.
// When adding this endpoint to prometheus.yml, add the domain name and port to "targets".
// For example, if prometheus is running on the same server as this app, you can add localhost:8080:
// - targets: ["localhost:9090", "localhost:8080"]
// download and install prometheus from here: https://prometheus.io/download/
// <PrometheusTargetServer>
try {
HttpServer server = HttpServer.create(new InetSocketAddress(8080), 0);
server.createContext("/metrics", httpExchange -> {
String response = prometheusRegistry.scrape();
int i = 1;
httpExchange.sendResponseHeaders(200, response.getBytes().length);
try (OutputStream os = httpExchange.getResponseBody()) {
new Thread(server::start).start();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// </PrometheusTargetServer>
// <CosmosClient>
// Create async client
client = new CosmosClientBuilder()
.consistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel.SESSION) //make sure we can read our own writes
// </CosmosClient>
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
docs = generateDocs(NUMBER_OF_DOCS);
// None of the rntbd / request-level metrics for point operations will show as they violate one the thresholds set (minimum 10 RUs).
// The rntbd / request-level metrics for the below query will show as it exceeds 10 RUs.
// If you comment out the below, no rntbd / request-level metrics at all will be collected due to the thresholds set.
// Database create
private void createDatabaseIfNotExists() throws Exception {
logger.info("Creating database {} if not exists", databaseName);
// Create database if not exists
Mono<CosmosDatabaseResponse> databaseResponseMono = client.createDatabaseIfNotExists(databaseName);
CosmosDatabaseResponse cosmosDatabaseResponse = databaseResponseMono.block();
CosmosDiagnostics diagnostics = cosmosDatabaseResponse.getDiagnostics();
logger.info("Create database diagnostics : {}", diagnostics);
database = client.getDatabase(cosmosDatabaseResponse.getProperties().getId());
// Container create
private void createContainerIfNotExists() throws Exception {
logger.info("Creating container {} if not exists", containerName);
// Create container if not exists
CosmosContainerProperties containerProperties =
new CosmosContainerProperties(containerName, "/id");
// Provision throughput
ThroughputProperties throughputProperties = ThroughputProperties.createManualThroughput(10000);
// Create container
Mono<CosmosContainerResponse> containerResponseMono = database.createContainerIfNotExists(containerProperties,
CosmosContainerResponse cosmosContainerResponse = containerResponseMono.block();
CosmosDiagnostics diagnostics = cosmosContainerResponse.getDiagnostics();
logger.info("Create container diagnostics : {}", diagnostics);
container = database.getContainer(cosmosContainerResponse.getProperties().getId());
private void createManyDocuments() {
Flux.fromIterable(docs).flatMap(doc -> container.createItem(doc)
.flatMap(itemResponse -> {
if (itemResponse.getStatusCode() == 201) {
} else
logger.info("WARNING insert status code {} != 201" + itemResponse.getStatusCode());
return Mono.empty();
.onErrorContinue((throwable, o) -> {
"Exception in create docs. e: {}", throwable.getMessage(), throwable
logger.info("Number of successful write requests: " + write_request_count);
private void readManyDocuments() {
// collect the ids that were generated when writing the data.
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
for (final JsonNode doc : docs) {
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
.flatMap(id -> container.readItem(id, new PartitionKey(id), JsonNode.class))
.flatMap(itemResponse -> {
if (itemResponse.getStatusCode() == 200) {
} else
logger.info("WARNING insert status code {} != 200" + itemResponse.getStatusCode());
return Mono.empty();
.onErrorContinue((throwable, o) -> {
"Exception in create docs. e: {}", throwable.getMessage(), throwable
logger.info("Number of successful read requests: " + read_request_count);
private void queryAllDocuments() {
int preferredPageSize = number_docs_inserted.get(); // We'll use this later
CosmosQueryRequestOptions queryOptions = new CosmosQueryRequestOptions();
// Set populate query metrics to get metrics around query executions
CosmosPagedFlux<Family> pagedFluxResponse = container.queryItems(
"SELECT * FROM c", queryOptions, Family.class);
try {
pagedFluxResponse.byPage(preferredPageSize).flatMap(fluxResponse -> {
logger.info("Got a page of query result with " +
fluxResponse.getResults().size() + " items(s)"
+ " and request charge of " + fluxResponse.getRequestCharge());
return Flux.empty();
} catch(Exception err) {
if (err instanceof CosmosException) {
//Client-specific errors
CosmosException cerr = (CosmosException) err;
logger.error(String.format("Query failed with %s\n", cerr));
} else {
//General errors
// Database delete
private void deleteDatabase() throws Exception {
logger.info("Last step: delete database {} by ID", databaseName);
// Delete database
CosmosDatabaseResponse dbResp =
client.getDatabase(databaseName).delete(new CosmosDatabaseRequestOptions()).block();
logger.info("Status code for database delete: {}", dbResp.getStatusCode());
// Cleanup before close
private void shutdown() {
try {
//Clean shutdown
} catch (Exception err) {
logger.error("Deleting Cosmos DB resources failed, will still attempt to close the client", err);
logger.info("Done with sample.");
Ensure you pass clientTelemetryConfig
when creating your CosmosClient
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
package com.azure.cosmos.examples.prometheus.async;
import com.azure.cosmos.*;
import com.azure.cosmos.examples.common.AccountSettings;
import com.azure.cosmos.examples.common.Family;
import com.azure.cosmos.models.*;
import com.azure.cosmos.util.CosmosPagedFlux;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpServer;
import io.micrometer.prometheus.PrometheusConfig;
import io.micrometer.prometheus.PrometheusMeterRegistry;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import static com.azure.cosmos.examples.common.Profile.generateDocs;
public class CosmosClientMetricsQuickStartAsync {
private CosmosAsyncClient client;
private final String databaseName = "ClientMetricsPrometheusDB";
private final String containerName = "Container";
private CosmosAsyncDatabase database;
private CosmosAsyncContainer container;
private static AtomicInteger number_docs_inserted = new AtomicInteger(0);
private static AtomicInteger write_request_count = new AtomicInteger(0);
private static AtomicInteger read_request_count = new AtomicInteger(0);
public static final int NUMBER_OF_DOCS = 5000;
public ArrayList<JsonNode> docs;
private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CosmosClientMetricsQuickStartAsync.class);
public void close() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
CosmosClientMetricsQuickStartAsync quickStart = new CosmosClientMetricsQuickStartAsync();
try {
logger.info("Starting ASYNC main");
logger.info("Demo complete, please hold while resources are released");
} finally {
logger.info("Shutting down");
private void clientMetricsPrometheusDemo() {
logger.info("Using Azure Cosmos DB endpoint: {}", AccountSettings.HOST);
// <ClientMetricsConfig>
//prometheus meter registry
PrometheusMeterRegistry prometheusRegistry = new PrometheusMeterRegistry(PrometheusConfig.DEFAULT);
//provide the prometheus registry to the telemetry config
CosmosClientTelemetryConfig telemetryConfig = new CosmosClientTelemetryConfig()
new CosmosDiagnosticsThresholds()
// Any requests that violate (are lower than) any of the below thresholds that are set
// will not appear in "request-level" metrics (those with "rntbd" or "gw" in their name).
// The "operation-level" metrics (those with "ops" in their name) will still be collected.
// Use this to reduce noise in the amount of metrics collected.
// Uncomment below to apply sampling to help further tune client-side resource consumption related to metrics.
// The sampling rate can be modified after Azure Cosmos DB Client initialization – so the sampling rate can be
// modified without any restarts being necessary.
.metricsOptions(new CosmosMicrometerMetricsOptions().meterRegistry(prometheusRegistry)
// </ClientMetricsConfig>
// Start local HttpServer server to expose the meter registry metrics to Prometheus.
// When adding this endpoint to prometheus.yml, add the domain name and port to "targets".
// For example, if prometheus is running on the same server as this app, you can add localhost:8080:
// - targets: ["localhost:9090", "localhost:8080"]
// download and install prometheus from here: https://prometheus.io/download/
// <PrometheusTargetServer>
try {
HttpServer server = HttpServer.create(new InetSocketAddress(8080), 0);
server.createContext("/metrics", httpExchange -> {
String response = prometheusRegistry.scrape();
int i = 1;
httpExchange.sendResponseHeaders(200, response.getBytes().length);
try (OutputStream os = httpExchange.getResponseBody()) {
new Thread(server::start).start();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// </PrometheusTargetServer>
// <CosmosClient>
// Create async client
client = new CosmosClientBuilder()
.consistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel.SESSION) //make sure we can read our own writes
// </CosmosClient>
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
docs = generateDocs(NUMBER_OF_DOCS);
// None of the rntbd / request-level metrics for point operations will show as they violate one the thresholds set (minimum 10 RUs).
// The rntbd / request-level metrics for the below query will show as it exceeds 10 RUs.
// If you comment out the below, no rntbd / request-level metrics at all will be collected due to the thresholds set.
// Database create
private void createDatabaseIfNotExists() throws Exception {
logger.info("Creating database {} if not exists", databaseName);
// Create database if not exists
Mono<CosmosDatabaseResponse> databaseResponseMono = client.createDatabaseIfNotExists(databaseName);
CosmosDatabaseResponse cosmosDatabaseResponse = databaseResponseMono.block();
CosmosDiagnostics diagnostics = cosmosDatabaseResponse.getDiagnostics();
logger.info("Create database diagnostics : {}", diagnostics);
database = client.getDatabase(cosmosDatabaseResponse.getProperties().getId());
// Container create
private void createContainerIfNotExists() throws Exception {
logger.info("Creating container {} if not exists", containerName);
// Create container if not exists
CosmosContainerProperties containerProperties =
new CosmosContainerProperties(containerName, "/id");
// Provision throughput
ThroughputProperties throughputProperties = ThroughputProperties.createManualThroughput(10000);
// Create container
Mono<CosmosContainerResponse> containerResponseMono = database.createContainerIfNotExists(containerProperties,
CosmosContainerResponse cosmosContainerResponse = containerResponseMono.block();
CosmosDiagnostics diagnostics = cosmosContainerResponse.getDiagnostics();
logger.info("Create container diagnostics : {}", diagnostics);
container = database.getContainer(cosmosContainerResponse.getProperties().getId());
private void createManyDocuments() {
Flux.fromIterable(docs).flatMap(doc -> container.createItem(doc)
.flatMap(itemResponse -> {
if (itemResponse.getStatusCode() == 201) {
} else
logger.info("WARNING insert status code {} != 201" + itemResponse.getStatusCode());
return Mono.empty();
.onErrorContinue((throwable, o) -> {
"Exception in create docs. e: {}", throwable.getMessage(), throwable
logger.info("Number of successful write requests: " + write_request_count);
private void readManyDocuments() {
// collect the ids that were generated when writing the data.
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
for (final JsonNode doc : docs) {
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
.flatMap(id -> container.readItem(id, new PartitionKey(id), JsonNode.class))
.flatMap(itemResponse -> {
if (itemResponse.getStatusCode() == 200) {
} else
logger.info("WARNING insert status code {} != 200" + itemResponse.getStatusCode());
return Mono.empty();
.onErrorContinue((throwable, o) -> {
"Exception in create docs. e: {}", throwable.getMessage(), throwable
logger.info("Number of successful read requests: " + read_request_count);
private void queryAllDocuments() {
int preferredPageSize = number_docs_inserted.get(); // We'll use this later
CosmosQueryRequestOptions queryOptions = new CosmosQueryRequestOptions();
// Set populate query metrics to get metrics around query executions
CosmosPagedFlux<Family> pagedFluxResponse = container.queryItems(
"SELECT * FROM c", queryOptions, Family.class);
try {
pagedFluxResponse.byPage(preferredPageSize).flatMap(fluxResponse -> {
logger.info("Got a page of query result with " +
fluxResponse.getResults().size() + " items(s)"
+ " and request charge of " + fluxResponse.getRequestCharge());
return Flux.empty();
} catch(Exception err) {
if (err instanceof CosmosException) {
//Client-specific errors
CosmosException cerr = (CosmosException) err;
logger.error(String.format("Query failed with %s\n", cerr));
} else {
//General errors
// Database delete
private void deleteDatabase() throws Exception {
logger.info("Last step: delete database {} by ID", databaseName);
// Delete database
CosmosDatabaseResponse dbResp =
client.getDatabase(databaseName).delete(new CosmosDatabaseRequestOptions()).block();
logger.info("Status code for database delete: {}", dbResp.getStatusCode());
// Cleanup before close
private void shutdown() {
try {
//Clean shutdown
} catch (Exception err) {
logger.error("Deleting Cosmos DB resources failed, will still attempt to close the client", err);
logger.info("Done with sample.");
When adding the endpoint for your application client to prometheus.yml
, add the domain name and port to "targets". For example, if prometheus is running on the same server as your app client, you can add localhost:8080
to targets
as below:
# The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config.
- job_name: "prometheus"
# metrics_path defaults to '/metrics'
# scheme defaults to 'http'.
- targets: ["localhost:9090", "localhost:8080"]
Now you can consume metrics from Prometheus: