Microsoft.Common.Slider UI element

The Slider control lets users select from a range of allowed values.

UI sample

Screenshot of Microsoft.Common.Slider UI element with a range of allowed values.


    "name": "memorySize",
    "type": "Microsoft.Common.Slider",
    "min": 1,
    "max": 64,
    "label": "Memory",
    "subLabel": "MB",
    "defaultValue": 24,
    "showStepMarkers": false,
    "toolTip": "Pick the size in MB",
    "constraints": {
        "required": false
    "visible": true

Sample output



  • The min and max values are required. They set the start and end points for the slider.
  • The showStepMarkers property defaults to true. The step markers are only shown when the range from min to max is 100 or less.

Next steps